In DRY weather gives me a Signal Strength reading of about 97% to 99 % which is very good and reception is perfect

Last night the rain started lightly and my signal strenth went down to 79% to 82% and noticed minor signal quality issues as the rain increased in in strength interminentally
By midnight the rain was constant with heavyer burts and my signal strength now went down to 47% to 53% with NO Satalite Reception period ...

All during this evaluation my ota ( outside digital antenna ) kept its perfect reception at 97% to 99% from no rain to the most rain during that period.
My Weingard (ota) outside digital antenna preformed perfect. and it's doesn't cost me any monthly fees.
I not sure if my system situation is tipical or atipical

But from my observations from the first moderate rain last night and early this morning ... On those cold and rainy San Francisco Bay Area days and nights when you most want to stay indoors and watch all of those great HD Stations Voom provides and I pay for.... I be able to watch DVD's and all local (ota) over the air digital broadcasts some even in HD

But even with Voom's upgraded larger Satalite Dish I can count on no getting any Voom Satalite Reception in the Rain

Is this a problem that is unique to Voom, or just unique to all Satalite Digital Recepetion, or unique to my specific location

or a combination of all of the above I don't know

The only thing I am certain about .... is the San Francisco Bay Area normally gets lots of rain :!: and my
My Voom HD DBS Satalite DOES NOT WORK IN THE RAIN (for me) !!! !protest