First we need to get them to remove some of the shopping channels along with Bingo TV, remove 9900 (what is the point of this channel) remove some of the duplicated channels ( I don't mean both, just one will suffice) like 103, 500 and 450 and ? (what ever channel number the mirrored sports list channel is on). Then they will have a little bit more breathing room to add HD.
Though I want more HD, I can't agree with your list, ESPN HD is a total waste of bandwidth, most of the time when I want to watch something on ESPN I watch it on the SD channel because I cannot stand those stupid bars on the side of the picture. Granted there is some things that are widescreen, but the majority of things on ESPN HD (that I've seen) has those bars on the side, I'd rather watch a stretched screen than watch something in a box, I don't care how fancy they make those bars! ESPN 2 if anything would be worse than ESPN. Thats just my opinion.
Beyond that, well I'd be open to anything HD that is available and appealing to everyone. I guess good luck to Dish figuring out what everyone wants. Instead of specific channels I am looking at catagories, I want more selection for movies, it don't really bother me which movie channels, just as long as they are HD, don't have commericals, and don't cost a arm and leg to have. Some people want sports, others want the catagory that have things like the Eastenders

on them (sitcoms, TV shows, things that I can watch on the WB, FOX, UPN, and etc...)! But in the end it should be something that everyone can get enjoyment out of. Not something that only certain people in certain areas will enjoy, not sports packages that only a few can afford, or want to pay for (yet takes up space, raises prices for everyone, and etc.). It should be something that is available to everyone, and affordable. At least at first, later on more specific genre's can be added, but at first it should be something that everyone can enjoy. (of course those willing to pay for HD equipment)
And of course I don't have a problem with ESPN, it is just right now they don't have alot of true HD widescreen programms on. Neither does TNTHD, and if there was ever a mistake in adding HD channels TNT was it, and Bravo, I would imagine wouldn't be any better. And of course we could nit pick every channel, and never add any of them, it is just ESPN's use of those dumb bars tick me off. Like I said I'd rather watch something that fills my screen, and doesn't have bars on it at all, than to watch something that doesn't have distortions because of being stretched.