This is a sad tale of woe. For those of us that use Calibre' to manage our ebooks on the Mac, it was just dead simple to send those books to iBooks on the iPad with no problem. But under OSX, iTunes just got an 'update' to 10.6.3 that apparently sandboxes iTunes making that communication not work any more.
I can still get my ebooks to the iPad from Calibre', it is now just a PITA! You can turn on Calibre's content server and get the books in the ereader or Stanza apps easier than any other way, but if you're library looks like mine, it ain't fun!
Note that this is not an issue with the Windows version of iTunes because sandboxing has to be supported in the OS and it apparently isn't in Windows.
I can still get my ebooks to the iPad from Calibre', it is now just a PITA! You can turn on Calibre's content server and get the books in the ereader or Stanza apps easier than any other way, but if you're library looks like mine, it ain't fun!

Note that this is not an issue with the Windows version of iTunes because sandboxing has to be supported in the OS and it apparently isn't in Windows.