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red ufo

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 25, 2004
I agree with most of whats said accept this is my take.

NO DVR in November. Silence as usual.

Come Jan 1st. You either sign a 1 year contract with Voom or pay higher prices for month to month. This will be the end of experimental area, and 1 year contracts for anybody new signing up.

On Jan 1, 2005. They'll dang some HD DVR carrot infront of people to get them to renew with boasted stories of things we hope come true *(see Xbox or Xbox Live for comparitive details of carroting). Many will take that carrot and eat it hoping for DVR.

The DVR will actually come in March or late April at a cost of 20 bucks a month (10 per box, PG charge, taxes, additional mirroring fees, etc.) But the DVR will advertise for $10 a month, but in the end we all know the real pricing scheme? The DVR will kick ass, but this BB will have and instant list of bugs, and defects that need to be fixed ASAP. The DVR will be compared to Tivo and what its best/worse in comparison.

In the end the DVR will be useless in the long run due to DHCP issues and not being able to record programs to other media.

This is my thread, I'm special, no Voom apologists, CSR, middle managers, Voom cheerleaders, Dish, DirectTV apologists. Go hi-five each in a different thread.
red ufo, is there a way you can actively participate in the Dish or DirectTV forum, seriously every single post you type up is a counterproductive, unsupportive, uninsightful, almalgomation of trash. Here's my prediction in the end, most Voomers will find your posts useless and skip over them without reading. Choosing instead to see what happens, instead of your exaggerated pessimist views of how everything coming from Rainbow is destined to fail. I think some of the people who post in the Voom forum are execs from D* and E*, hoping Voom fails, so they can send out e-mails to their customers that go like this:

"Thank you for inquiring about TNT-HD and other premium channels in HD. At this time DirectTV does not have any plans to include additional HD channels. As you know HD programming comes at a higher cost, and robs all of our bandwidth from out satellites. As an apology for taking away BravoHD, we are giving you a one week trial to our new sports packages (NFL Ticket, NBA Pass, NHL, Soccer Super League, Rugby Passport, and Cricket International Exclusive Mega SD Coverage). We will continue to support HD any way we can."
Dvlos said:
You want to complain about something with Voom? Here complain about the fact they are adding not only RSN SD but a RSN HD channel.. what a bunch of lowlives! Like D* and E* would never do that first.

Sober up. Nobody is complaining about adding RSN. People are complaining because Voom makes a promise one day. Then changes the rules the next and breaks the promise.

Frankly, I don't care for more compartmentalized channels that only a select few get. How do people living in rural areas feel about NBC Olympics or what is going on now? I suppose they have no right to complain should just shut up and pay the 100 bucks a month to Voom and forget what the CSR said during sign up? Don't you see this selective market crap is what cable companies are about and satellite is supposed to be all inclusive, not the other way around.
Look man I can talk in generalized statements too, look, the day is good, people are bad, and crime happens. Did Voom promise NOT to add RSN and then they did? Frankly you may not care about RSN but judging from the requests on this forum alone that are a great deal that do. No company is going to run their business model to cater to what every individual wants. That's they they all offer different packs for you to pick and chose. Red Ufo if you hate Voom and think D* or E* are your choice run to their superior SD lineup and frankly shut up, I think you're trolling this forum for the hell of it.

Rural areas may not like the Olympics HD, and most of us do not like how NBC handled HD coverage AT ALL, but that's NBC, not Voom. I like how you hop from talking about RSNs to talking about the freaking Olympics. WHen I signed up with Voom no CSR told me "Welcome to VOom we guarandamntee INHD, HDNET, RSNs, and Full Olympic Broadcasts" in May. They said "Welcome to VOom the leader in HD, we promise the most HD anywhere" To that promise they have held true to their word.

Everything else, the hiccups, the bandwidth, the channel lineup, the upgrades, the DVR, WM9/MPEG4, are things that they are planning OUTSIDE of their original promise. Hence they are "exceeding" their promise or expectations (or are trying to anyway). SO what else you got to complain about red ufo? DD5.1? They promised you Dolby Digital 6.1 and now the 12 pack of hearing aids you bought in 2003 are useless. Who are you anyway Dolan?

PS - I like how you hop in to complain about RSNs then say no one is complaining about RSN, then you come back and complain about a few RSNs being added.
Dvlos said:
red ufo, is there a way you can actively participate in the Dish or DirectTV forum, seriously every single post you type up is a counterproductive, unsupportive, uninsightful, almalgomation of trash. Here's my prediction in the end, most Voomers will find your posts useless and skip over them without reading. Choosing instead to see what happens, instead of your exaggerated pessimist views of how everything coming from Rainbow is destined to fail. I think some of the people who post in the Voom forum are execs from D* and E*, hoping Voom fails, so they can send out e-mails to their customers that go like this:

"Thank you for inquiring about TNT-HD and other premium channels in HD. At this time DirectTV does not have any plans to include additional HD channels. As you know HD programming comes at a higher cost, and robs all of our bandwidth from out satellites. As an apology for taking away BravoHD, we are giving you a one week trial to our new sports packages (NFL Ticket, NBA Pass, NHL, Soccer Super League, Rugby Passport, and Cricket International Exclusive Mega SD Coverage). We will continue to support HD any way we can."

So you create a thread and the only opinions you want are: gushing fanboy reviews and hype of Voom. If a person has an opinion that is constructive critism of Voom. Then you get all mad and flustered. What are you on there payroll or what?

You know something, I pay for Voom too and have a right to say what I want about this expensive service. If you don't like it, then shove it!
Actually all you do is hop up and down on every aspect of Voom, there is no "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak, in your posts. No, hey look what I want from Voom is "this" or "that". You're posts are like:

Voom lied, Voom sucks, Voom can't do what others do.

Dude, that's great, you've already said this, now if you don't like Voom guess what, cancel. You're not tied to a contract, go to where the "grass is greener". If you don't like this "expensive service" get an OTA antenna and "shove it". There are plenty of people who have problems with the Voom service but they all list what they would LIKE to happen in addition to what they don't like. You're post above has nothing to do with anything positive, it's all this crap on how Voom is going to fail.

Ok then, once again, pack your "bags" and get over to the next overachieving HD provider out there ok? When you find one that trumps Vooms 36+ HD channels report back, but not before ok?
How Teresa Heinz

red ufo said:
So you create a thread and the only opinions you want are: gushing fanboy reviews and hype of Voom. If a person has an opinion that is constructive critism of Voom. Then you get all mad and flustered. What are you on there payroll or what?

You know something, I pay for Voom too and have a right to say what I want about this expensive service. If you don't like it, then shove it!

Blazing a new path with Voom takes vision and patience.
You are the Dr. Smith of the Voom voyage.
Dvlos said:
Actually all you do is hop up and down on every aspect of Voom, there is no "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak, in your posts. No, hey look what I want from Voom is "this" or "that". You're posts are like:

Voom lied, Voom sucks, Voom can't do what others do.

Dude, that's great, you've already said this, now if you don't like Voom guess what, cancel. You're not tied to a contract, go to where the "grass is greener". If you don't like this "expensive service" get an OTA antenna and "shove it". There are plenty of people who have problems with the Voom service but they all list what they would LIKE to happen in addition to what they don't like. You're post above has nothing to do with anything positive, it's all this crap on how Voom is going to fail.

Ok then, once again, pack your "bags" and get over to the next overachieving HD provider out there ok? When you find one that trumps Vooms 36+ HD channels report back, but not before ok?

I said nothing negative about Voom in my first post. Take note: You turned this thread into a personal flame war and ruined it yourself. I suggest you go back and edit to fix it.

Just because I personally don't believe the DVR isn't coming until March don't give you the right to go around belittling members because you don't agree with them. You are coming off as a control freak or typical Sys Admin.
Dvlos said:
You're post above has nothing to do with anything positive, it's all this crap on how Voom is going to fail.

I take it you can't read well. Here how about this.

Hey everyone, join Voom because they are satellite angels sent from Heaven.
Infact Voom is going to cure cancer soon. They have figured out a way to record your favorite shows 1 year in the future before the scripts are even written!

Want to the new Superman movie? Terminator 4? Spiderman 3? You can only on Voom, they already have the HD broadcast! You know what?

Next year Voom gonna have cheap internet in HD!
Voom has also discovered who to fix your whining brat kids to watch Voom based upon the script of Halloween 4 Silver Shamrock!

Also the military has caught UBL and see him arrested in HD only on Voom!'

Voom has also figured out how to stop smelly farts. Thats right by eating Voom HD food. It's 'clean burning' if you caught my drift. Never a 3rd after taste.

Your just like those whiny kids on Sony Vs Xbox BB. They don't care if M$ rushed out a game full of bugs. Cause its bedder than Sony regardless. Companies love blind fanboyism you are spewing.

Infact if people weren't bitching about STB bugs, Voom would have never had proper feedback to fix the software. I guess you know nothing about betatestings, programming, C, software development.
red ufo,
clearly, you don't get it. Is there anything that you actually enjoy in your life? My impression of your posts is that the answer is "not really, my life sux and will only get worse :no ". Be a little more positive, man. It helps. :)
Sorry man I picked Voom over E* because it is "bedder". You've now jumped from RSNs to video game consoles and beta testing. In fact I do now a lot about beta testing, as matter of fact to save money on R&D costs and start recouping money on the investment many products are rushed and a smaller cheaper team is tasked with bug fixes, this isn't new to Voom or Microsoft, it's a global trend.

This forum setup threads to talk about the bugs and people wrote in about what they were experiencing, some people found quick fixes to certain issues and posted them here. They didn't go off on a pink tiara sporting tirade about how Voom lied to them cheated them and is using the Moto box to steal away their spouses and sell them away on the black market as indentured servants. You my friend, fall into the other extreme category.

Fanboy? Let's see I spent my first two weeks with Voom not being able to tune into a single channel correctly, I had to map out all the channels on pen and paper and print out Voom guides from the internet. I spent the next month and a half after that not being able to see ESPN HD and Starz E/W due to a second problem, and just last week I finally got all my OTA. I've complained/discussed all those problems here on this forum dating back to May. Yet the positives outweigh the negatives and I've gotten credit for the months were the service wasn't good. In addition I have voiced my opinion several times about Cinema10 and PQ issues. If the positives of Voom weren't good enough to eclipse the bad I would drop them like a bad habit and move on, not create the PMS laden generalized "oh woe! the sky is falling!" posts you come up with.

What does this have to do with Voom adding RSNs? Hmm nothing. You just want to keep complaining for the sake of complaining? Am I a fanboy, or are you a troll?
red ufo said:
I take it you can't read well. Here how about this.

I can read just fine, I also see that you didn't quote specific examples of your "positive" outlook for VOom. You said "I agree with most of what was said BUT" then you went on a fantasy spin about a buggy DVR, blah blah blah.. NOthing that bears repeating and it's not JUST this thread. Don't try to feign innocence if I compile your posts over the last month it's all about generalized complaints! Seriously if you don't like VOom quit Voom. If you don't like something about it discuss it in a civil fashion and perhaps offer an idea or two on how to correct the problem.

Seriously, I don't understand the point of coming around spraying "Everything about Voom sucks!!" in all the threads, if you want to impact Voom or D* or E* or any provider you can only do it with your money. Giving them money every months says "Hey I like you!" and not doing so means "You didn't earn my entertainment dollars, you suck."
Dvlos said:
What does this have to do with Voom adding RSNs? Hmm nothing. You just want to keep complaining for the sake of complaining? Am I a fanboy, or are you a troll?

If I brought over some of my non HD friends to read the stuff you post in these threads. I swear they would probably say alot of you and other Voom cheerleaders say are paid apologists, or Voom CSR trolling the BB. Then crapping on anyone who questions Voom business practices.

I have no doubt Voom has middle management user accounts here to cheerlead for Voom. All BB have a fanboys and suck mod wannabees.
red ufo said:
I am Mr. Generalized.

Unfortunately I am no longer interested in what you or your friends think. However if I were you, I'd be pretty embarrased to show them this thread, in a discussion of logic you just got manhandled by a "fanboy".

You have still failed to keep the discussion related to RSNs.

You ignored the fact I've had issues with Voom, documented on this site.

You have failed to provide a link with Voom's Bad Business Practices and RSNs. Or proof that I have "trolled" all threads that speak of Voom's negative points and turned a "blind eye" towards them.

Back to the topic, has anyone from Ohio started getting new channels?
Again, reread the thread and see who started with 'personal attacks'. Dude,

Your just like the mods at Sony that delete everypost that don't praise Sony. No real discussion, but partisan fanboyism. I read a post in the Tivo board where they say most HD people are very finicky and anal about everything. I guess you are fitting that stereotype quite well.
I think I am far from finicky and anal if I am more receptive and "apologetic and acceptive" of all things Voom. Make up your mind am I a Sony-Voom Fan boy, or a Anal Finicky HD guy.

HOw have I deleted any of your posts? You make no sense, but you want to talk about stereotypes you sound like a fan of RUsh Limbaugh, old, bitter, divorced twice, and bald. On a positive note, I'm glad this was moved into an off-topic discussion.
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