I agree with most of whats said accept this is my take.
NO DVR in November. Silence as usual.
Come Jan 1st. You either sign a 1 year contract with Voom or pay higher prices for month to month. This will be the end of experimental area, and 1 year contracts for anybody new signing up.
On Jan 1, 2005. They'll dang some HD DVR carrot infront of people to get them to renew with boasted stories of things we hope come true *(see Xbox or Xbox Live for comparitive details of carroting). Many will take that carrot and eat it hoping for DVR.
The DVR will actually come in March or late April at a cost of 20 bucks a month (10 per box, PG charge, taxes, additional mirroring fees, etc.) But the DVR will advertise for $10 a month, but in the end we all know the real pricing scheme? The DVR will kick ass, but this BB will have and instant list of bugs, and defects that need to be fixed ASAP. The DVR will be compared to Tivo and what its best/worse in comparison.
In the end the DVR will be useless in the long run due to DHCP issues and not being able to record programs to other media.
This is my thread, I'm special, no Voom apologists, CSR, middle managers, Voom cheerleaders, Dish, DirectTV apologists. Go hi-five each in a different thread.
NO DVR in November. Silence as usual.
Come Jan 1st. You either sign a 1 year contract with Voom or pay higher prices for month to month. This will be the end of experimental area, and 1 year contracts for anybody new signing up.
On Jan 1, 2005. They'll dang some HD DVR carrot infront of people to get them to renew with boasted stories of things we hope come true *(see Xbox or Xbox Live for comparitive details of carroting). Many will take that carrot and eat it hoping for DVR.
The DVR will actually come in March or late April at a cost of 20 bucks a month (10 per box, PG charge, taxes, additional mirroring fees, etc.) But the DVR will advertise for $10 a month, but in the end we all know the real pricing scheme? The DVR will kick ass, but this BB will have and instant list of bugs, and defects that need to be fixed ASAP. The DVR will be compared to Tivo and what its best/worse in comparison.
In the end the DVR will be useless in the long run due to DHCP issues and not being able to record programs to other media.
This is my thread, I'm special, no Voom apologists, CSR, middle managers, Voom cheerleaders, Dish, DirectTV apologists. Go hi-five each in a different thread.