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Olympics Will be the Death of me and VOOM | SatelliteGuys.US

Olympics Will be the Death of me and VOOM


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 29, 2004
Dear VOOM.... I was your greatest advocate... I adored you... and you show me your appreciation by JACKING UP THE OLYMPICS FOR ME!!!

Sorry guys... I've voiced my POSITIVE opinions regarding VOOM on SO MANY occations... but NO ONE MESSES WITH MY OLYMPICS... I made a "formal" complaint to VOOM... I KNOW... It's NOT THEIR FAULT... as they told me over and over and over.... BUT... at the end of the day... my friends are calling me to tell me all of the great olympic moments that went on throughout the day.... YOU SEE... I was a Track&Field athlete all the way through college... I even had thoughts of trying out for the Olympics (Barcelona)... So... come Olympic coverage, I take time off of work to watch. I have called the cable company to come install cable along side with my VOOM... I'll cancel cable after the Olympics but still... I'm PISSED OFF....... All of my friends that were thinking of getting VOOM.. HAVE CHANGED THEIR MINDS... Jeez... I'm not sure now that VOOM will make it...

BTW- The VOOM Customer REP said I was his 50th caller complaining about the Olympic coverage... He said that VOOM has definately taken a hit on this one...
eg9 said:
Dear VOOM.... I was your greatest advocate... I adored you... and you show me your appreciation by JACKING UP THE OLYMPICS FOR ME!!!

Sorry guys... I've voiced my POSITIVE opinions regarding VOOM on SO MANY occations... but NO ONE MESSES WITH MY OLYMPICS... I made a "formal" complaint to VOOM... I KNOW... It's NOT THEIR FAULT... as they told me over and over and over.... BUT... at the end of the day... my friends are calling me to tell me all of the great olympic moments that went on throughout the day.... YOU SEE... I was a Track&Field athlete all the way through college... I even had thoughts of trying out for the Olympics (Barcelona)... So... come Olympic coverage, I take time off of work to watch. I have called the cable company to come install cable along side with my VOOM... I'll cancel cable after the Olympics but still... I'm PISSED OFF....... All of my friends that were thinking of getting VOOM.. HAVE CHANGED THEIR MINDS... Jeez... I'm not sure now that VOOM will make it...

BTW- The VOOM Customer REP said I was his 50th caller complaining about the Olympic coverage... He said that VOOM has definately taken a hit on this one...

If Voom's "greatest advocate" has only 14 posts here, that may be part of the problem.

This is not Vooms fault.
seawaves I agree with you. It is not Vooms fault. I like this thread. Especially the one by fredfa, "I can't wait until early November, when threads start asking if we have heard anything about a Presidential election."

He is so right on that one.


seawaves I agree with you. It is not Vooms fault. I like this thread. Especially the one by fredfa, "I can't wait until early November, when threads start asking if we have heard anything about a Presidential election."

He is so right on that one.


BUSH WON !!!!!

dont ask how, he just won again,wink, wink
NBC has done a serious number on Olympic feeds IMO. Wasn't Voom the first one to start airing the HD Opening Ceremonies before D* or even E*? NBC's OTA O&O rules are whack man, seriously call and bitch to them. They claim to be one of the original HD spec. writers and major supporters but they typically air the least HD, and their biggest chance to shine in HD has been pissed on for many people across the country.

I consider myself lucky to have 2 HD feeds but no SD feed (go figure, they must have read my thread "I quit SD" and decided to screw me). I don't understand how cable is going to show you Olympics in HD and Voom can't though I thought this had to do with NBC's guidelines.
Your best weapon is your remote.

I don't blame VOOM, I blame NBC. And I watch something other than stale SD coverage of what could have been a major HD event. Maybe after the dust settles they will learn something from from the ratings...

Where are those ALF reruns, anyway? :)
eg9 said:
Dear VOOM.... I was your greatest advocate... I adored you... and you show me your appreciation by JACKING UP THE OLYMPICS FOR ME!!!

Sorry guys... I've voiced my POSITIVE opinions regarding VOOM on SO MANY occations... but NO ONE MESSES WITH MY OLYMPICS... I made a "formal" complaint to VOOM... I KNOW... It's NOT THEIR FAULT... as they told me over and over and over.... BUT... at the end of the day... my friends are calling me to tell me all of the great olympic moments that went on throughout the day.... YOU SEE... I was a Track&Field athlete all the way through college... I even had thoughts of trying out for the Olympics (Barcelona)... So... come Olympic coverage, I take time off of work to watch. I have called the cable company to come install cable along side with my VOOM... I'll cancel cable after the Olympics but still... I'm PISSED OFF....... All of my friends that were thinking of getting VOOM.. HAVE CHANGED THEIR MINDS... Jeez... I'm not sure now that VOOM will make it...

BTW- The VOOM Customer REP said I was his 50th caller complaining about the Olympic coverage... He said that VOOM has definately taken a hit on this one...
Where shall I mail the cheese? boo fkn hoo. Voom does not provide HD LIL or LIL or distant HD networks for that matter. Your local HD and SD is your network affiliates job. If your not in an O&O quit your freaking whining. Im not in an O&O and not recieving the HD feed through Voom, but thats not Vooms fault. NBC and the affiliates decide who gets the feeds not VOOM. Grow up.

Do you have any idea of just how ignorant your post makes you sound of the laws regarding O&O's and waivers to recieve distant network feeds? If your not in an O&O, and you are outside of the grade B contour, did you even attempt to get a waiver from the local affiliate? Do you even know what one is or whats required to get one? On second thought shall I make it a pacifier instead of cheese?
I cannot believe the mockery of the Olympic Games in HDTV by NBC. They killed what would have been a great event.Clearly some one there drooped the ball not VOOM.
eg9 said:
Dear VOOM.... I was your greatest advocate... I adored you... and you show me your appreciation by JACKING UP THE OLYMPICS FOR ME!!!
Get a life. This is NOT Voom's fault. They are just doing what NBC tells them they can do. In my area, I don't qualify for any of the Voom sat olympics feeds either, but my NBC station is carrying the special NBC HD feed. The good news is that they're also carrying the normal NBC SD feed on another subchannel (as they've always done). The bad news is that that SD subchannel steals badly needed bandwidth from the HD feed, so I see frequent pixelation (they also have weather radar on a third subchannel, but that takes little bandwidth). Although it may not be as good as the HD feed on a local station where that's the only subchannel, I'm sure the Voom 321 feed has to look better than what I can get. Still, I'm not complaining about Voom since it's not their fault.
I cannot believe the mockery of the Olympic Games in HDTV by NBC. They killed what would have been a great event.Clearly some one there drooped the ball not VOOM.
I agree. Its as if NBC does not care about the HD feed or its presentation, format etc. The same darn loop for 24 hrs? It should be presented with the same planning as the SD channel. The same flyover shot over and over again. The same freaking commercial over and over again.
eg9, I'm with you. Providing a home video service that renders its customers unable to watch the Olympics is unacceptable. Pointing fingers doesn't change that. VOOM is the provider; it's for VOOM to figure out how to solve the problem. I, too, have been a big supporter of VOOM while others have constantly complained about one thing or another, but this is a level of service that is simply unacceptable.
I beg your pardon?

compson said:
Providing a home video service that renders its customers unable to watch the Olympics is unacceptable...
How did VOOM render you unable to watch the OLYMPICS? They are following the rules set by the content provider, NBC.

I guess they should just fold up and call it a day since you can't receive NBC OTA? :confused:
I saw in a previous post where you said you could receive the NBC SD but the VOOM receiver would not allow it.
Why don't you split the OTA antenna coax and send a feed directly to your TV? Then you can watch it in SD, live feed. Isn't that what you want?
Doesn't matter what provider you are talking about...Directv , Voom, Dish or Cable. NBC is to blame. They are the worst at broadcasting sports...which is by the way why they lost out on all the big sporting events. NBC doesn't care about HD or digital signals. What broadcast station (major one at that) would ever put such a delay on the HD feed. One day? For what? Take a look at the Opening hour delay on their HD ch? Why? Because they are armatures. They cant even get a signal as strong as some Spanish stations in one of the biggest cities in the world, NY. If it wasn't for VOOm and Directv I wouldn't even be watching NBCDT. They dint care. They are light years behind the real leader...CBS. Light years. They should be ashamed and mocked.
Doesn't this have a lot to do with the FCC regulations against network ownership of more than a certain number of affiliate stations in an effort to maintain diversity of voices in local broadcasting (think Clearchannel in radio, Knight Ridder in newspapers)? NBC locals have sold lots of advertising for the games and they want to make sure that they have audiences rather than losing people to satellite feeds of other locals.

I guess I'm lucky that although my local is not NBC O&O (and I pick it up OTA), they are broadcasting the HDTV broadcast 24/7 on their digital channel.

I certainly would like to have the SDTV broadcast also for live coverage. The idea of using a subchannel for SDTV is great! Out of the digital OTA locals I receive: NBC, CBS, Fox, and the WB only broadcast digital on a signal channel, ABC on two subchannels, South Carolina PBS on three (two SDTV and one HDTV), and NC PBS on up to five at one time (often fewer to give more bandwidth to the other subchannels)!

Dumping my cable provider I will no longer have access to an SDTV NBC affiliate, but frankly I like being able to watch the highlights in HDTV even a day late.

NBC and its independant local affiliates have no doubt run cost-benefit analyses in producing full-scale HDTV coverage and figured that with this service they will cover most people.

Those folks who are knocking NBC, remember that NBC and its affiliates (Bravo, CNBC, MSNBC, Telemundo, etc.) are broadcasting something like *triple* the hours of Olympic coverage than any previous olympics. SDTV, granted, but for most people that is fine!

If there is a clamouring for more HDTV coverage I should think there would be a lot more of it by the time the 2006 winter games roll around once a lot more people have HD sets and receivers.

In other words, its all about the $.

vurbano said:
Where shall I mail the cheese? boo fkn hoo. Voom does not provide HD LIL or LIL or distant HD networks for that matter. Your local HD and SD is your network affiliates job. If your not in an O&O quit your freaking whining. Im not in an O&O and not recieving the HD feed through Voom, but thats not Vooms fault. NBC and the affiliates decide who gets the feeds not VOOM. Grow up.

Do you have any idea of just how ignorant your post makes you sound of the laws regarding O&O's and waivers to recieve distant network feeds? If your not in an O&O, and you are outside of the grade B contour, did you even attempt to get a waiver from the local affiliate? Do you even know what one is or whats required to get one? On second thought shall I make it a pacifier instead of cheese?

Moderator edit

LIKE I SAID... NO ONE in MY AREA can get ANY FEED on 321,593,594,500943,463463, etc....

I really like VOOM and have heard of many people complain...

The fact remains that in an area of 1.5 MILLION people, NO ONE CAN SEE THE OLYMPICS!!!! Unless you have Cable, DTV, DISH.... That's a FACT!!! I've called VOOM and they understand it and apologize... Cable was installed this morning and I'm OKAY NOW.

People around here don't get on forums to find out which wires to split so they can watch the Olympics... they order a service and expect to be watching the Olympics... THAT'S IT!!!! I spoke to the VOOM REP along with his supervisor and both told me that VOOM went to the negotiations table with different ideas of broadcasting the Olypics but they expected to get more out of NBC.... The reason cable, etc... can watch the Olypics is because they struck a different deal. VOOM IS NOW IN THE PROCESS OF TRYING TO CHANGE THINGS.... WE'LL SEE!!.......

Enough said.....
re vinny07:
"...They are the worst at broadcasting sports...which is by the way why they lost out on all the big sporting events."

Not at all.
Do you really believe the sports leagues care about quality? (And if so, why has Fox not done HD in the past, while CBS and ABC have presented games in HD?)
NBC doesn't do MLB or NBA or NHL or NFL because those contracts all lost money. The networks that DO do them have ALL written off hundreds of millions of dollars in losses.
NBC made a business decision not to bid on them, and has made money on NASCAR and the Olympics.
Fox believes the hundreds of millions of dollars it loses on the NFL (and MLB) is still good for its network because it encourages sampling and it can promote its other programs on NFL (and MLB and NASCAR) programming.
But your perception of NBC's "quality" issues as the reason it has lost sports programming over the past 5-6 years is simply wrong.
eg9 said:
F YOU BITC$ !!! You can take your "HD LIL, Grade B Contour, O&O and stick it up your poop-shooter... LIKE I SAID... NO ONE in MY AREA can get ANY FEED on 321,593,594,500943,463463, etc....

The fact remains that in an area of 1.5 MILLION people, NO ONE CAN SEE THE OLYMPICS!!!! Unless you have Cable, DTV, DISH.... That's a FACT!!! I've called VOOM and they understand it and apologize... Cable was installed this morning and I'm OKAY NOW.

Um, that's not true. Dish and DirecTV viewers are in the same boat. I don't know how many more ways it can be said: blame NBC not VOOM. vurbano tried to tell you, perhaps a little bit harshly, the facts. Simply stating that you don't care about the facts, you're just mad, isn't really a valid argument.
fredfa said:
re vinny07:
"...They are the worst at broadcasting sports...which is by the way why they lost out on all the big sporting events."

Not at all.
Do you really believe the sports leagues care about quality? (And if so, why has Fox not done HD in the past, while CBS and ABC have presented games in HD?)
NBC doesn't do MLB or NBA or NHL or NFL because those contracts all lost money. The networks that DO do them have ALL written off hundreds of millions of dollars in losses.
NBC made a business decision not to bid on them, and has made money on NASCAR and the Olympics.
Fox believes the hundreds of millions of dollars it loses on the NFL (and MLB) is still good for its network because it encourages sampling and it can promote its other programs on NFL (and MLB and NASCAR) programming.
But your perception of NBC's "quality" issues as the reason it has lost sports programming over the past 5-6 years is simply wrong.
I might be wrong in my view of NBC , but Im not alone. They simply arent up to par with the other stations. Whatever the reason for them not getting into the bidding war for, baseball, football. Im glad that they dont have the broadcast rights to football this year....maybe they would do an hour delay on football games in HD. Or better yet show the Super Bowl the day after on their great HD ch. Its good business to make money...but its bad business to not have any rights to the big three sports. They could have the Olymipcs..they will lose money on that also. NASCAR brings in alot of viewership...but they way they go about their HD programming makes me wonder who exactly is going to take their sports programming seriously.
I think it is safe to say no matter how many times we try to explain to people that NBC (more specifically local affiliates) is the problem they are going to continue to blame VOOM. As I mentioned in an earlier post, VOOM has no obligation to provide the olympics to ANYONE, they are doing it as a service to their customers. I live in an area where my local affiliate will not let me watch the HD olympic feed on VOOM because I live within their so called broadcast area. It doesn't matter to them that I could care less about their analog SD feed (because they are to cheap to upgrade their facilities for HD) or that I can't receive their SD feed anyway with any sort of quality. VOOM will not give me the signal because legally they can't, not because they want to piss me off so I can get on the internet and spread lies about them. Anyway, it is a waste of time to try and convince people who are so hell bent against VOOM. If DirecTV or Dish is showing the olympics in an area that is not supposed to receive them they must be doing it without permission. If you live in an area that has been listed as eligible for the feed then call VOOM and tell them to turn it on for your box. They know who can and who cannot receive it, they will check your address and if it is eligible they will turn it on for you. I called them to check mine and they said I was not eligible, that I live in a market where my local affiliate is not owned by NBC and they would not allow me to watch it elsewhere. Those are the facts, there is no conspiracy by VOOM to alienate half their subscribers.


Are you getting a signal from 321, 593 & 594 (post here)?

I got a local NBC waiver, now VOOM says I need permission from NBC too

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