Ok, so the 921's not necessarily crappy, but it's leaning more towards that than "outstandingly wonderful". Didn't realize I was going to lose my wonderful Tivo and NBR, but the $1K price tag on the DirecTV HD Tivo just seemed silly to me (not looking so silly anymore). Granted the 921 is faster than I ever could have imagined and has only locked up about 3 times requiring the plug to be physically pulled from the wall to reset , but hey, everything can't be perfect....right? Ok, now the issue (done venting
Has anyone figured out how to make the UHF 921 work with a Philips Pronto TSU-3000? Is there a way? This is one thing that is most grueling is having to go back to having a second remote control. If anyone can help it would be appreciated!!!

Has anyone figured out how to make the UHF 921 work with a Philips Pronto TSU-3000? Is there a way? This is one thing that is most grueling is having to go back to having a second remote control. If anyone can help it would be appreciated!!!