im new to this forum... i googled satellite forum and this is the first thing that came up.
basically, im a private contractor for directv... and phone lines have increasingly become a HUGE issue... there are no if, ands or buts about it.
the problem is, as im sure this is not the first thread here about this.... is that almost nobody uses home phone service anymore... and when they do 60% of the time its COX digital telephone, and i CAN NOT figure out how to activate the receiver through digital telephone.
so my %'s are rediculously low, and im receiving a lot of unwanted heat from it.
does anyone know how to filter a digital telephone so that i can activate through them??? im seriously in jeopardy of losing my job because my %'s are so low, and i literally have no control over who does/doesn't have home phone service.
basically, im a private contractor for directv... and phone lines have increasingly become a HUGE issue... there are no if, ands or buts about it.
the problem is, as im sure this is not the first thread here about this.... is that almost nobody uses home phone service anymore... and when they do 60% of the time its COX digital telephone, and i CAN NOT figure out how to activate the receiver through digital telephone.
so my %'s are rediculously low, and im receiving a lot of unwanted heat from it.
does anyone know how to filter a digital telephone so that i can activate through them??? im seriously in jeopardy of losing my job because my %'s are so low, and i literally have no control over who does/doesn't have home phone service.