I've cruised the messages & find nothing that solves my problem of how to split an OTA to 2 tv's & retain signal quality. I'm a regular lurker & have learned a lot in these forums.
I have an Antenna Direct DB4 & get 70% signals which produces an excellent picture. I live 35 miles from antenna farm.
I've added a LG STB & split the OTA RG6 line to this TV. I've used several splitters (Lowes, Home Depot, etc, etc, etc) with no signal passing to either tv. Recut the ends & added new connectors - no change.
I bought a 120db 2.3GHz 4-way splitter & I get 86% signal on every channel on the ASTC tuner when I really only have 5 available channels - what is this all about???
Then by chance I dug a Radio Shack "High-isolation" A/B switch (#15-1217) out of the box of stuff & wow - pictures to both tv's & even increased signals. BUT! I can only have 1 TV on OTA with the switch.
So, the question is: What brand component will split the signal without degradation? Do I need an amplifier? Again - what brand? I've cruised electronics store sites till my head spins...too many specs & I'm not sure what I'm really looking for.
Can anyone help me & point me to a reliable product & where to buy it?
Thanks so much!!!
I've cruised the messages & find nothing that solves my problem of how to split an OTA to 2 tv's & retain signal quality. I'm a regular lurker & have learned a lot in these forums.
I have an Antenna Direct DB4 & get 70% signals which produces an excellent picture. I live 35 miles from antenna farm.
I've added a LG STB & split the OTA RG6 line to this TV. I've used several splitters (Lowes, Home Depot, etc, etc, etc) with no signal passing to either tv. Recut the ends & added new connectors - no change.
I bought a 120db 2.3GHz 4-way splitter & I get 86% signal on every channel on the ASTC tuner when I really only have 5 available channels - what is this all about???
Then by chance I dug a Radio Shack "High-isolation" A/B switch (#15-1217) out of the box of stuff & wow - pictures to both tv's & even increased signals. BUT! I can only have 1 TV on OTA with the switch.
So, the question is: What brand component will split the signal without degradation? Do I need an amplifier? Again - what brand? I've cruised electronics store sites till my head spins...too many specs & I'm not sure what I'm really looking for.
Can anyone help me & point me to a reliable product & where to buy it?
Thanks so much!!!