bryan27 said:
Thanks! Definitely having fun being here, with VooM, and learning and sharing with all the members of the VooM forums.
bryan27 said:
The stations themselves send a channel identifier that will remap the channel number, but some like KDKA doesn't. I just was concerned that KDKA wouldn't showup. Now I know it will. The Zenith OTA STB will list the channels on the channel the station sends as the channel ID. So on that STB the channels are 11-1, 13-3, 22-1, 25-1, 53-1. I'm thinking the reason why KDKA doesn't send the ID as 2-1 is that they are going to choose to stay on ch.25 when it is time to decide which channel they keep and which one is returned to the FCC.
Actually, all the channels assigned for digital are new and in the UHF range (meaining channel numbers above 13 I think), and the stations will be giving back their analog spectrum, which is vhf for some, uhf for others. So FOX will be giving back the spectrum allocated to 53, and keeping 43, and so on. The spectrum allocated for digital channels is something like 6 times bigger than that allocated for analog. KDKA will give back 2, and keep 25.
But the stations have been known for so long by their analog channel number, that many of them are unwilling to give up the branding identification.
HDTV specs allow for data to be broadcast along with the picture, and I think this what I have heard called PSIP. Anyway however it is accomplished, the channels can send down guide information, and channel identification, etc that a good digital tv receiver will accept and display.
So some channels, wanting to keep the branding of 50 or more years of association with their analog channel, are broadcasting their analog station identification over their digital channel. I really wish they wouldn't, but I can understand why they would want to do it. It just makes for confusion.
But my RCA even goes so far as to allow me to type in 2-1, or 25-1, and get to the same digital station, by its mapping features. I guess the -1 is the clue. If I just typed 2, it would go to the analog station.
bryan27 said:
WQED has been having problems and here recently has been on and off the air. Sometimes they will be at full power at others the power will be low. QED also had a major problem last year when they tried to run both analog and digital for WQED and WQEX. Running all 4 transmitters would cause an overheating problem. WQED was on last night as I watched some of the Fleetwood Mac concert
I always can get WQED on my RCA, but the antenna I use is power boosted. I just found out how to do the signal strength by tuning to the station I want to check and pressing help, info, down, down to get to the status screen. I'm getting 70-80 on most channels except 22/42 which is at 50-60, and 13/38 which is between 10-20. I guess that's why I'm not getting WQED. Maybe if I added a power amp to the winegard that VooM set me up with, I'd get WQED. WQED comes in at 50-60 on my little radio shack ant, with the power boost, so I amost always get it.
bryan27 said:
I'm rather surprised you receive WTAE. They have the lowest power and most have a problem receiving it. WPCB is another one most have a problem with as their authorized power is lower than all but WTAE. Sometimes it will come in.
I can't get WTAE with my powerboosted Radio Shack ant. But for some reason, the winegard ant is pulling it in with 70's signal strength! Go figure!
Same with WPCB, it's strong on the VooM ant, but I can't get it at all on the little one.
I tried hooking the little ant up to the VooM receiver but got nothing at all! Must be a serious difference in the receivers. Next trick is to try add a little power amp that I got with my Terk 55 (which doesn't work at all by the way. the terk 55 I mean.) I want to add the amp before the diplexer that combines my sat and ota cables in the basement but I don't have power outlets down there yet. So I will have to try it just before the receiver.
bryan27 said:
The new software comming from VOOM is supposed to give you more options like channel search for OTA. Maybe you can receive another PBS station, but just don't know it yet. WNEO-Alliance does a SD/HD simulcast and WNPB-Morgantown does 3 SD channels. I hope the new software also makes improvements to the guide, like starting on the channel your watching and not channel 100.
I'm really looking forward to the software update! I hope it comes out soon. I'm a computer professional and hobbiest, so I have a real jones for software updates! ;0)
But I'm REALLY looking forward to the DVR! A new gadget!