Ok today I went outside after the rain stopped any played with my dish for 3 hours. There was a few things I wanted to try today including playing with the new Bsc621-2 C/ku Lnbf that MrTim sent me, and testing out one of the LNBs from Sadoun gave to everyone who attended our party last week.
The first thing I did was locked my dish and peeked the signal on a channel. The LNB I have been using on this dish is an Invacom Quad Polar. This is a LNB I really love. I figured I would try one of the LNB's Sadoun gave out last week. I expected it was a cheap LNB... Boy was I wrong! I peeked the dish for the strongest signal I could get on SBS 6 with the Invacom LNB I had a 67% signal level and a signal quality of 59%
I took off the Invacom LNB and replaced it with the Sadoun KUL1 LNB, my signal level jumped up to 72% and my signal quality jumped to 66%. This was a VERY surprising result!
I scanned the skies and was now easily pulling in signals that I had trouble with in the past including the Late Dr Gene Scott on the University Network. I must say this LNB really suprised me! (And just think if you were at our party last week you got one of these for FREE from Sadoun!)
I then popped on the C / KU Band LNB that the folks from SatelliteAV sent me a few monthss ago. I immediately got a signal reading at around (allthough slightly lower) then the Invacom LNB on KU.
Since I already had the LNB on the mount I wanted to see if I could get anything from C Band. For some reason the first satellite I selected was G4R, the dish moved over and nothing. I then grabbed the LNB and turned it a bit. BOOM I had signal! I did a powerscan on my Fortec Mercury II receiver and when it found 3 transponders I canceled out so I could tighten things down by hand. However it managed to scan in some channels... A football Game, The WB Network HD and some other strange scrambled channels.
My first picture I saw was
Iowa State - VS - Texas
G4R 3975/V/13031
Video PID 308
Audio PID 256
PCR SID 8190
Scaned in as Crawford TES-16
It was BOOMING in with a 77% signal level and a 58% signal quality. I was happy!
I went to tighten things down and in doing so I knocked the scaller ring off the LNB and on to the ground, when I did this my signal readings went UP!
I thought it was impossible to pick up C Band Signals without the scaller ring. Boy was I wrong.
Just to show I am not making this up I ran in the house and got my camera and took some pictures. In these pictures you can see the screen and the dish without the scaller ring.
I took some pictures and then put the scaller ring on. I was getting about the same signal reading with it on.
I then went back to check my KU but unfortunately it was all gone. I went back to C band and it was booming again on G4R, I then went to other C Band Satellites however I was never able to find another signal.
It was starting to get dark. I moved my dish back to SBS 6 where I started and removed the SatelliteAV LNB and put back on the Sadoun LNB, again I was watching KU.
I then took the BSC621 LNB that MrTim sent me and hooked up my cable to the KU end of the LNB and placed it in the holder. I could not find anything with it on KU. So I moved the dish to G4R, hooked the cable to the C Band side of it and still nothing, no matter how I held it or turned it I was not getting any signal. I am SURE that I had a setting wrong.
It was starting to get dark and I had a lot of equipment to get back in the house so I took off the BSC621 and put on the Sadoun KUL1 LNB. And was back in business. I went from one end of the arc to the other to make sure I did not mess up the alignment and everything was fine.
I took all my equipment back in the house and went out to dinner with the family. Tommorow I am hoping to go out there and conquer the BSC621 LNB!
I am still amazed of the C Band Signal I was getting with no scaller ring!
Anyways that was my C Band / KU Band project of the day.
The first thing I did was locked my dish and peeked the signal on a channel. The LNB I have been using on this dish is an Invacom Quad Polar. This is a LNB I really love. I figured I would try one of the LNB's Sadoun gave out last week. I expected it was a cheap LNB... Boy was I wrong! I peeked the dish for the strongest signal I could get on SBS 6 with the Invacom LNB I had a 67% signal level and a signal quality of 59%
I took off the Invacom LNB and replaced it with the Sadoun KUL1 LNB, my signal level jumped up to 72% and my signal quality jumped to 66%. This was a VERY surprising result!
I scanned the skies and was now easily pulling in signals that I had trouble with in the past including the Late Dr Gene Scott on the University Network. I must say this LNB really suprised me! (And just think if you were at our party last week you got one of these for FREE from Sadoun!)
I then popped on the C / KU Band LNB that the folks from SatelliteAV sent me a few monthss ago. I immediately got a signal reading at around (allthough slightly lower) then the Invacom LNB on KU.
Since I already had the LNB on the mount I wanted to see if I could get anything from C Band. For some reason the first satellite I selected was G4R, the dish moved over and nothing. I then grabbed the LNB and turned it a bit. BOOM I had signal! I did a powerscan on my Fortec Mercury II receiver and when it found 3 transponders I canceled out so I could tighten things down by hand. However it managed to scan in some channels... A football Game, The WB Network HD and some other strange scrambled channels.
My first picture I saw was
Iowa State - VS - Texas
G4R 3975/V/13031
Video PID 308
Audio PID 256
PCR SID 8190
Scaned in as Crawford TES-16
It was BOOMING in with a 77% signal level and a 58% signal quality. I was happy!
I went to tighten things down and in doing so I knocked the scaller ring off the LNB and on to the ground, when I did this my signal readings went UP!
I thought it was impossible to pick up C Band Signals without the scaller ring. Boy was I wrong.

I took some pictures and then put the scaller ring on. I was getting about the same signal reading with it on.
I then went back to check my KU but unfortunately it was all gone. I went back to C band and it was booming again on G4R, I then went to other C Band Satellites however I was never able to find another signal.
It was starting to get dark. I moved my dish back to SBS 6 where I started and removed the SatelliteAV LNB and put back on the Sadoun LNB, again I was watching KU.
I then took the BSC621 LNB that MrTim sent me and hooked up my cable to the KU end of the LNB and placed it in the holder. I could not find anything with it on KU. So I moved the dish to G4R, hooked the cable to the C Band side of it and still nothing, no matter how I held it or turned it I was not getting any signal. I am SURE that I had a setting wrong.
It was starting to get dark and I had a lot of equipment to get back in the house so I took off the BSC621 and put on the Sadoun KUL1 LNB. And was back in business. I went from one end of the arc to the other to make sure I did not mess up the alignment and everything was fine.
I took all my equipment back in the house and went out to dinner with the family. Tommorow I am hoping to go out there and conquer the BSC621 LNB!
I am still amazed of the C Band Signal I was getting with no scaller ring!
Anyways that was my C Band / KU Band project of the day.