We may actually drop Dish for DirecTV because of Noggin.
I would rather have my 5 year old watch this then the Power Rangers.
Once again Dish Network is hosing its customers by not carrying the channel as its delivered to them.
Hi all,
My boy loves Noggin and was very excited about the Noggin 24/7 premier on New Year's Eve. Of course, the highly advertised and anticipated for weeks Franklin movie only aired for 9 minutes before it switched to Fresh Prince of Bell Air. After a very stressful couple days we learned Dish, our provider at that time will not caryy Noggin 24/7. We said OK, they bye bye Dish, and we shopped around to find a provider that offers the best deal and shows the new Noggin 24/7 programming; and that was Directv, we thought, until tonight.
A week and a half ago we were happy to switch to Directv and get the Noggin 24/7 programming. We were also excited to watch, finally, one of these new and highly adversited, and highly anticipated mover premiers being shown, specifically the new Backyardigans Mighty Nights movie.
Guess what....Directv we have come to find out DOES NOT cary the full Noggin 24/7 programming as Directv has advertised....they aren't showing these movies that are advertised throughout the day!! And when you look at the updated channel line up online, it makes it sound like they carry the new Noggin 24/7 programming..BUT THEY DO NOT!!!!!!! CARRY ALL OF IT...FOR SOME REASON THEY ARE NOT SHOWING THE MOVIES!!!
Now my neighbor with cable gets it all, and sees the movie, so I know it is being shown on cable exacltly as advertised, but it is not on Directv. So if this is how it is, can you all let me know if this is all accurate????
If so, I'll roll with the punches and accept the fact I was screwed by both Dish and Directv, and simply switch to Brighthouse cable..but please tell me why and what is going on here?!
Oh yeah, the other reason I need your help is, that despite Directv not carrying and showing what they advertise (I don't see it anywhere on the channel line up that they show only a limited, or a modified Noggin 24/7 programming schedule, do you?), they are going to charge me $499 to cancel?!
Am I the most unlucky parent on earth here? All I want is Noggin as advertised please, is that too much to expect? How do I get this, why doesn't Directv inform us they DO NOT show the movies as advertised, and how do I not get a bill for 500 smackers to switch to get what I want?
Thanks in advance for your input and advice,
Schedule Note
If you're a DISH Network subscriber, NOGGIN airs from 6am ET to 6pm ET only and The N airs from 6pm ET to 6am ET. Please check your program guide for schedule.
I understand this, but why would Noggin show advertisements that something else would be shown at this time?
This sucks because the kids see these advertisements and get all hyped to see this movie.
I understand this, but why would Noggin show advertisements that something else would be shown at this time?
This sucks because the kids see these advertisements and get all hyped to see this movie.
Why Not!! cable does!!Let's see if I can clarify this for you:Noggin is the Programmer.DirecTV is the
Provider.The Provider is not responsible for Programming content.Hope this
has cleared up any misconception.
As for the $499. to cancel: DirecTV is under a lease program now.DirecTV came out and installed NEW equipment in your home,it can only be NEW ONCE,Now it is USED.Now DirecTV can send your equipment out to a previous subscriber if their equipment breaks down but that's the only way DirecTV can reuse your equipment.It cannot be used in New Installs.
Limited time offer