This isnt a bitch session, Just things that I have noticed where directv could improve on. (Feedback)
Like both providers, directv can improve on programming, IE add epix, and other remaining related movie channels. I would like to see them also add the remaining cable channels they are missing. (wonder when the next bird launch is) Programming is key to this buisness, and directv has many advantages, with additional launches Directv can be that provider of everything.
CSR ordering system. Allow CSR's to order specific equipment. It's very frusterating when a coustomer orders Directv on the website and you have this sleek looking DVR, and what is installed looks nothing like what's on the website. Maybe charge the coustmer a one time 10 dollar ordering processing fee for such requests? All though nobody else charges.
CSR ablity to release a call. I have been hung up on plenty of times when I asked for 5 HD DVR's LOL......
Its kind of funny, should have made a tape out of it!
All providers have there flaws, Directv is the best out of all of them that I have worked with minus comcast. IE I have had comast in my home for over 2 years (docsis 3.0) and have never had to call comcast regarding an issue. I have had reliable service and have only gone down twice. I get the speed I pay for and havent had any issues.
Directv takes pride in what they do! Its certan about the way that they have taken every thing that I have thrown at them during this process as things werent done right the first time. But where they didnt get it right, directv certantly fixed things and got it right. I give them kudos for this as I can be a tough coustomer to impress and impressed I am.
Dish, I just think they dont care... They have this attitude that nothing is wrong, when there certantly is. While we may not see thier stock price and sub numbers immedatly relflected as the numbers are allways 6 months behind, It will eventually catch up to them.
Uverse well just sucks. It only lasted 30 seconds in my home before it was thrown out the door. HD stream limits and compression was enough to make me gag and kick the installer out the door!
Like both providers, directv can improve on programming, IE add epix, and other remaining related movie channels. I would like to see them also add the remaining cable channels they are missing. (wonder when the next bird launch is) Programming is key to this buisness, and directv has many advantages, with additional launches Directv can be that provider of everything.
CSR ordering system. Allow CSR's to order specific equipment. It's very frusterating when a coustomer orders Directv on the website and you have this sleek looking DVR, and what is installed looks nothing like what's on the website. Maybe charge the coustmer a one time 10 dollar ordering processing fee for such requests? All though nobody else charges.
CSR ablity to release a call. I have been hung up on plenty of times when I asked for 5 HD DVR's LOL......

All providers have there flaws, Directv is the best out of all of them that I have worked with minus comcast. IE I have had comast in my home for over 2 years (docsis 3.0) and have never had to call comcast regarding an issue. I have had reliable service and have only gone down twice. I get the speed I pay for and havent had any issues.
Directv takes pride in what they do! Its certan about the way that they have taken every thing that I have thrown at them during this process as things werent done right the first time. But where they didnt get it right, directv certantly fixed things and got it right. I give them kudos for this as I can be a tough coustomer to impress and impressed I am.
Dish, I just think they dont care... They have this attitude that nothing is wrong, when there certantly is. While we may not see thier stock price and sub numbers immedatly relflected as the numbers are allways 6 months behind, It will eventually catch up to them.
Uverse well just sucks. It only lasted 30 seconds in my home before it was thrown out the door. HD stream limits and compression was enough to make me gag and kick the installer out the door!