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Poll: What are your future television provider plans? | SatelliteGuys.US

Poll: What are your future television provider plans?

What are you future television provider plans?

  • Hop to D*

    Votes: 8 3.8%
  • Hop to E*

    Votes: 11 5.2%
  • Hop to Cable

    Votes: 20 9.4%
  • Hop to FIOS

    Votes: 33 15.5%
  • Stay the course

    Votes: 128 60.1%
  • OTA only

    Votes: 8 3.8%
  • Cancel everything

    Votes: 5 2.3%

  • Total voters


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Dec 6, 2003
Wyoming, NY
With all the changes occuring at Dish Network, what are your future provider plans?

What are your future television provider plans?

Hop to D*
Hop to E*
Hop to Cable
Hop to FIOS
Stay the course
OTA only
Cancel everything
FIOS, but WAY in the future from the looks of things. They haven't even started Project Lightspeed in Oklahoma yet.
I went to cable, way too many problems, and I COULDNT put up with analog, nice having a HD Dvr, and everything was great for two weeks, and went crap, so I have a VIP211 on its way and I will be a happy camper!
if those are the only options, I said cancel everything

I use an antenna for my locals and StarChoice for the rest :)
I was thinking of switching from cable to Dish TV, but 80% of my TV veiwing is
sports, and after hearing all the comments about how the compressed digital
picture is not as good as analog for fast action content, I'm pretty sure I'm
sticking with cable. I still get 4 TV's with no extra fees, and I already have my
own DVR, and get my HD content OTA (TV has HDTV built-in). No extra fee for
100% service contract, no extra fee for additional receiver, no fee for not hooking
into my phone. For me, plain old analog cable makes the most sense.
I voted for FIOS. Friends of mine live in Virigina and just had it installed and they really like it. A bit buggy at first but the kinks are out of it. It won't be in my area for at least 1 year or more, but I'm still in commitment mode with E* anyway. After that, though, all's fair for FIOS!
Until AT&T's Project Lightspeed comes to my area, I'll be staying put with DISH and hopefully upgrading to AT&T's Homezone: an innovative, integrated, next-generation home entertainment service that brings together digital satellite entertainment and computer-based photos and music with broadband. Consumers will have access to satellite TV programming, high-definition and/or standard-definition digital videorecording, Caller ID on the TV, movies on demand, as well as photo-sharing and music from Yahoo! through an award-winning new set-top box (see link below).
Staying with E mostly because for me its due to the pricing ( employee discount of $30 a month ) but even if I wasnt an employee I would stick with it because of the pricing and general reliability. I have no idea what Fios is though I have an idea, but I dont see any new competition coming to the southern michigan area any time soon so I dont see any other choices for television and or internet coming down the line.
With the choices on the poll,I went with OTA only.I cancelled my DISH sub approx. an hour ago.I am waiting to see what this IPTV opportunity brings to this area.
I'm with cable for the next 12 months. Would love to have FIOS, but that would be years out, if ever. When my dish buyback is up with cable, if a system could be grounded (long story that i've detailed here), i'd go back to E* in a heartbeat.
I just cancelled Dish last night to go exclusively with cable: got an HD DVR with no upfront fee, no contract, and will get programming equal to Dish's AT180, HD pack(minus VOOM, which I don't want), HD locals, better PQ, & HBO for less than I'd pay for the Gold package + HBO. DISH, stop making me pay for VOOM and charging an exhorbitant fee for leasing an HD DVR, and maybe I'll come back in a year.
I had a question:
I used to have Adelphia and they raised there prices every few months plus all the taxes that comes with it.

I canceled Adelphia for that reason.

Does your cable bill keep raising?
I got a great configuration with my Media Server and Xbox 360's doing OTA HD and other fun stuff. I had Dish but couldnt justify the extra costs. So I am down to HD Directv Tivo and Media Center. When the direct cable capture card comes end of the year, it will be Directv or Comcast as the provider, and my Media Center with Xbox 360's as my DVR and local viewing devices.
I dumped Adelphia to get dish because they raised their rates way too much way too often.

Now I have Dish, and I am addicted to the UHF remotes and DVR and the quick jump forward and back.

I would like to switch to FIOS but no one can yet compete with the features that the Dish receivers have.

Primarily I don't want a loud DVR in my bedroom. Until that is feasible, i will stay with dish.
For those with 2 or More HDTVs, cable has to be the better way to go, why pay $700 for a 2nd HD DVR when you can rent it from cable with no up front lease fee.

Dish wont let you lease a 2nd HD DVR you have to pay full price.

I will keep monitoring these threads, my Dish contract is up soon.

Sat Guys is a good place to go for all the pricing info.
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I will probably stay the course with E*. Verizon is very controlling- for example, I would lose my Earthlink DSL as they do not share FIOS with other ISPs and they move everything to FIOS when they install it at your home.

Well I may end up keeping Dish down the road depending on if VOOM goes back to full HD or not so I may just keep Dish for HD though I'd prefer they be smarter instead of trying to shove these packages down people's throats though I suspect the reason is they're quite worried about IPTV.
If Dish doesn't fix VOOM I may move entirely to IPTV as long as they end up offering all the standard HD channels like HGTV HD, National Geographic HD, InHD, InHD2, Food Network HD, etc. Why? Because soon enough the International channels I want will not be dependent on me having Dish. Either an IPTV provider will offer them for cheaper or an IPTV STB service will, just wait so E* and FoxTV better lower the prices if they want to keep a fairly stable stream of revenue from these people because after IPTV EVERY audience is up for grabs. Hopefully SBC will offer me the International and niche programming I want because if they don't I may just end up dropping them for an IPTV STB company which offers me the programming I want price AND packagewise.
I see a chance of us getting the package setups that Starchoice now has so everyone will be happy.

622 Bug

Any Atlanta, GA customers get Local HD yet?

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