Does anyone have recommendations for PCI DVB-S software with good switch support and h-h motor Diseqc 1.2.
I need 6 X 1 Switch support 22Khz / diseqc.
I need 6 X 1 Switch support 22Khz / diseqc.
Ok, I'll try to piece this together, from your signature you have two seperate systems? One on a Sg-2100, one on a Stab, Are you trying to run one system with Usals and the other with Diseqs1.2? Are you using the 22khz switch to seperate the two systems?
When you say "my software" are you referring to progdvb? if so it does support a 22khz switch. I think you can do what you are describing if you mean Progdvb as the software.
No, my software does not support 22Khz switch 2 X 1. So the motor works fine but In the case of the BSC621 I can't switch between C and KU.
I have the Pro version too. If you select custom in your diseqc setup, then highlight your card, then add positioner, then add 22khz switch, I don't have the bsc621 but I think it switches c to ku with a 22khz tone? Adding the 22khz switch in the configuration should allow you to switch the lnbf's. I think the first port is 22khz on, second is 22Khz off.
When you say highlight card do you mean the 878 BDA driver?
The only way I can get this switch selection window to open is if I select a satellite like this and then add switch. When I select 22Khz and click OK nothing happens and there are no properties for the switch.
Do you know what is meant by simple switch in the list?
I have a switch labeled SW21 which is also for FTA and should work with 22Khz PCM signalling. This I want to use with my P* Standard LNBF to switch between V and H. There should be some screen that allows me to associate port one = V and port two = H. How does a STB menu show switch select options?
Have you had success making a switch work with ProgDVB PRO?
"I think the first port is 22khz on, second is 22Khz off." This is where I really get confused, Shouldn't there be a port select screen that shows some status? Port one On = 22Khz Port two Off = 0
Yes, and success with non pro versions as well. I used a 22khz to seperate my c and ku band systems with a 4 port diseqc downstream from the 22khz, its just a matter of trial and error. I've never found a good tutorial for setting switches up, I suppose its because there are so may possibilites and combinations.
I had a look at your manuals, very professional, nice job. I wish I could put stuff like that together. I've found that it is really helpful to me to put on paper what I want to do before I start setting up the software. Starting with the dvb card and working toward the lnbf(s), especially if its a complicated system or systems with several switches, motor, etc.
Receiver ----> Ecoda ---(0kHz)---> BSC-621-2 C-band output
|------(22kHz)--> BSC-621-2 Ku-band output
Receiver ----> Ecoda ---(0kHz)---> diseqc switch ---> LNB
| |---------> LNB
| |---------> LNB
| |---------> LNB
|------(22kHz)--> BSC-621-2 with jumper
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