boba, where would I go about finding one of these adapters? I have a secondary residence that I plan switching out an 18" x 20" with a SL5. Thing is, the pole is too small in diameter for the SL5 to fit tightly around.It depends on what you have now. A DISH 500 and a Directv 18" would interchange and a DISH super dish might have the same dia. as a Directv Slimline depending on model. There are also adapters available for different dia pipes. Tell us what you have and what you are getting and a better answer can be given.
Monopoles won't clamp tightly on a 1.625 mast.
When monopoles came separately you might have alternate clamp rings. I believe with new pack outs the monopoles come with the dish with correct clamps.They make different size clamps for the mono poles, they are for the international dishes. They will work fine on a standard sized mount. I have a bunch of them and have used them on standard mounts successfully.:up
A correct install is to use the mast and monopoles that are provided with the dish. Adapters is not part of a correct approved install from Directv.If Directv does the installation, would the necessary harware to adapt the existing pole to the Directv dish be included in standard installation? If not, what would the approximate additional cost be?
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