Hey guys, I want to start off this thread so it can help others and see what type of deals people are getting, please post what DirecTV retention team has offered you when you called them to cancel your services...
Nope, only way it's gonna go down is if you lower your package or Retention gives you a deal.no they wont go down
That makes sense seeing you would be losing money to keep the package you had.When I called to cancel in February I explained why I was cancelling. I told them I had a MDU account at the apartment and was payinig $20 a month ($10 for HD, $10 for DVR, programming was included). I was moving to a rental house but didnt feel like having my bill go up $65 for the programming.
The rep didnt even try to save me. She understood
Here's some interesting math to ponder.I'm not sure I even want to call them next year. Only in the first year with them so if I were to cancel when the discount expires I'd have to pay a $240 ETF. If I stay my 2nd year I'll still have to pay that but broken down in monthly bills plus whatever increase. The problem of lowering packages is then you start losing channels you actually do watch and then it's not worth Otto do that.
4 years ago when I had directv I called after my promo expired and was offered a measly 5.00 off a month then told I was already getting an amazing deal. It wasn't until I cancelled and then had the other service hooked up that I got a phone call offering me new customer pricing .
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sort ofWe're you allowed to keep the package you had when you moved in the apt ?
Thtas Great, but don't expect ti each time you try it.ok here is what they gave me 35 off package 10 off HD 5 extra on top of that, free nfl ticket, 3 months of hbo, a free genie go, and free upgrade genie at one year extension for discount only and a free service call to check my dish which they replaced. Next year I do it all over as this is just 12 months. The retention guys in Idaho are just in a class by themselves...
If your a person that bounces from one provider to another then thats fine, you get what you get, but you can't complain when you don't get what you want.It been similar the past 5 years. If not I have 3 other companies just waiting for my business. I really don't care who it is..Either I save or I change to another. DTV has come through for years and have been happy with the price. Don't ever think once is enough or you will get what you wish for...
Read this site and you will learn a lot of that.I thought i should post about my experiences with D tv customer retention dept.
I was out of contract and thinking of going to Dish, I have been a good customer for the last 2 years. last Fri i spoke with them and they told me 30 off and was able get a 10 credit for bundling with and new not rebuilt hr44 with out contract extension. I called my phone Co and after 20 min found out they don't bundle with them any more and haven't for a long time The next day Sat (fast) I received a hr34 that was obviously used and was manufactured around the same time as my 2 year old hr34.
I called retention dept back and they said I could not receive new hr44
I was lied to by their retention dept twice i'm still deciding what to do
A word to the wise, don't believe every thing they tell you and make sure they give you what they promise
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