Thank you for the post. I noticed this too and thought it was something on my end.What dish size are you using? I noticed that the signal strength went down at least 25% recently. Before on my 2.4m dish, I was getting close to 100q but now I only get approximately 70%. It sucks for people using smaller dishes for c-band as they don't have much signal headroom in the first place. One of my customers who has a 1.2 meter c-band bud has a hard time to get even 30% on this mux now.Hopefully this is only a temporary thing!
Maybe their uplink dish is no longer peaked. The ABC HD signal barely locks here using my 1.2m with a 12K LNBF.Had to upgrade a customer's C-Band LNBF from a 25K to a 13K one on a 1.2M dish to get these channels again so you guys may want to consider doing the same. They obviously reduced their power output levels.
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