I just installed Win7 on my computer at home. By doing so, I lost my free Roxio Creator 9 that came with the computer. I just ordered Roxio Creator 2011 and the sales people say it will convert .ts files to other usual formats. I will install that in a few days. I hope it works. If so, I don't need the expensive programs mentioned here.
I contacted VideoReDo and he called me and assured me his 100 dollar program will do everything but brush my teeth.
Win 7 had a few hiccups, but now I am quite satisfied. Hope never to deal with Vista again on here.
Yes, I downloaded Freemake. I converted a couple files (didn't have my 1100c hard drive) from flv to wmv and burned to a dvd. It wouldn't play in my dvd player. I'll keep working with it some.
However when I use iWisoft to convert TS, the 'keep original' zoom setting shows as 352x480, which is the same look as 'letter box'. If I use any other zoom ratio it uses converts it nice it just adds a huge black area around the original picture when I playback. This happens regardless of profile chosen - even ts.
What is your optimum setup for conversion for TV viewing (Vs PC)? ?
The big downside to this is that instead of a 1gb for an hour of ts video it's now 5gb.
My understanding is not to copy anything to the DVR drive because that can corrupt it? So I would need to get another drive to playback edited files?
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