what are you trying to program that remote to? be a little more specific
TV2s are very hard to program for. Panasonics, Sonys, Sanyos and RCAs are easy but TV2s can be very hard. Is it a 21" TV2 or one of the new TV2 HD models?To work on my tv 2. I don't know how to be more spicific. Maybe you can explain.
Have you gone to page 12 in the 311 manual where it says "SET UP THE REMOTE CONTROL"?
It does a decent job of laying it out. But you should know when you go to page 65 for device codes there isn't any TV2 listed.
If you have lost the manual you can veiw it on line here:
DISH Network -- User Guides & Manuals
page 12 is in chapter 2. Page 65, where the device codes start, is in chapter 4.
If you want to control a TV with any univeral remote you must use the brand name to look up the proper device code.Did I lose something in the translation? With a duel 322 tuner there is tv1 and tv2. Tv1 is the unit with the receiver and tv2 is the second remote tv. NOT a tv name brand!!
If you want to control a TV with any univeral remote you must use the brand name to look up the proper device code.
Again, all this is in the 311 manual or as boba said, spelled out pretty well on channel 101 almost continually.
My most straight forward advice: Call Dish. THIS is what CSRs are trained to do on training day one. And they will take all long as necessary to get you up and running.
Typing and reading this thread has taken ten times as much time as a call to Dish, which is toll free by the way.
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