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question about DVR capabilities


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2005
Is there any receiver with Dish that will allow you to record two shows at one time, or watch one show while you record another, without having a second TV?


Here is the reason I am asking. I had Comcast cable up until last week. I have three TV's and all three had digital cable, but the one in the living room had DVR which allowed me to do this. Essentially this meant I could record four shows at once (the other two have VCR's). I was really sick of Comcast raising their prices and having poor service and reception, so when a company called Sky Satellite phoned me about Dish, I was interested. I signed up with them to get the top 180 package. I have the 625 and a 311.

The salesman from Sky told me a bunch of bogus stuff. I mentioned that I had a lot of shows recorded on my Comcast box, so he told me that when the installer came out, he could transfer the recordings from the Comcast box to my Dish box. He also lied about some other stuff, the prices etc. Anyway, eventually I got tired of dealing with them and just phoned Dish directly. But I found their people have not been much better. I don't know if they are lying or just incompetent. :(

The first installer came out, told me I couldn't transfer the shows, so I told them to come back in a week, giving me time to watch the rest of my shows on my Comcast box. The second installer came out, told me that I would NOT be able to record two shows at once, so I called it all off. :eek: I phoned Dish directly and the person there told me that I could do this...he said some other untrue things, though, which I found out later. The third installer came out and installed the dishes and seemed to mostly know what he was talking about but didn't know too much about the DVR or how it worked. After he left, I could not figure out how to record two shows at once on one receiver, so I phoned DISH technical support. The tech support woman told me I could NOT do this with the 625, but she thought there was another receiver I could do this with, but it might cost a bit. She referred me to another person (cancellation dept. I think?) who did some investigating while she had me on hold. She told me that if I put another 625 box on the bedroom TV (where the 311 is now), that I could indeed record two shows at once, or watch one while I recorded the other, and that it wouldn't require a second TV, but it would cost me another $5 per month. So I said fine. :)

In the meantime, the remote for the 311 stopped working, and when I tried to record with my VCR there, it came out with nothing but snow. I phoned tech support and they couldn't figure out what was wrong, figured I must have a bad remote, and tried to blame the recording problem on me or my vcr. :eek:

The installer came out today to put in the other 625, and told me right away that he didn't think you could record two channels at once without a second TV. He phoned his supervisor to verify. He did fix the other two problems I was having. I did not get the other 625 installed because I really don't care about having DVR in that room; the vcr is fine, I just wanted to be able to go back to recording four shows at once!! :mad:

I am so angry at their messing up, and screwing me over in the process. If stupid Comcast can have DVR that allows you to record two shows at once on just one TV, why can't Dish? Why would anyone with one TV want Dish DVR if they couldn't record two shows at once? Makes no sense to me. I probably would have kept Comcast if they hadn't kept telling me these lies, but I sure as hell don't want to go back to Comcast now, too much trouble and Dish is still cheaper. It just irks me, though, that they did this to me.

Any ideas?


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