It seems like the HD channels that are not simulcasts of the SD counterparts are mostly commercial free. They have public service announcements (e.g., Foundation for a Better Life, BoysTown, National Arbor Day, etc.) and program previews and PBS-like product highlights, but not commercials.
My understanding was that multicast channels were available a little or no cost to providers (e.g., HBO), except for DiscoveryHD Theatre which clearly was an expensive channel. Dish must be paying for these new channels besides simply uplink costs if there are no commercials. My question is are these really subscription services or do people expect commercials to start to creep in.
My understanding was that multicast channels were available a little or no cost to providers (e.g., HBO), except for DiscoveryHD Theatre which clearly was an expensive channel. Dish must be paying for these new channels besides simply uplink costs if there are no commercials. My question is are these really subscription services or do people expect commercials to start to creep in.