Looking at some of the systems I notice that some people put their center channel speaker directly on top of their projection TV's. Is this not bad for the TV with the magnet in the speaker? I always thought it was but I would like to place mine there until I get a suitable entertainment center and I sure don't want to screw up my brand new set.
Any advice? I have a Hitachi 57" rear projection HDTV and a Boston Acoustics 525V center speaker.

PS: OK, I'll make this V* related...Since my last post, I have had no more STB lockups, everything is perfect (knock wood). I am not cancelling my follow up service call yet to bring me 2 new STB's however...just in case. I have had the boxes on since 7:00 this morning (9 hrs.) and still working fine. Major storms predicted for San Antonio this evening so we'll see what happens with that.