Would you do research and vet them before installing them or would you just drag your feet and risk suffering the consequences?Because I don’t like the security updates forced on me.
Would you do research and vet them before installing them or would you just drag your feet and risk suffering the consequences?
You probably shouldn't run versions of the operating system that came out significantly after the system you're running them on was conceived. This goes for most platforms save possibly Linux.How exactly do I vet these damn updates other than testing them one by one?
There are numerous examples of faulty "updates" being pushed down resulting in hangups, corruption, boot loops, and even bricking. Granted iOS is the leader in creating bricks but Android has had it's share of issues. It is just being prudent to disable auromatic updates and installing them manually later after they've had a clean track record (or been replaced by a corrected version). Seems a no-brainer to me.Why would you not want it to update?
. . . It is just being prudent to disable auromatic updates . . .
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