I'm a new Direct tv customer and am looking into getting an RF signal instead of using my IR extender. Though new to all of this, I was wondering if the R22 DVR is capable of connecting an RF antenna. If not, what dvr receiver would be recommended?
All the current H, HR & R receivers are RF capable.
This statement is not correct!
Not all H2X receivers are RF capable.
The H21-200 is not RF capable.
The online manuals are criminally generic. They use the same document for the R22, HR20, HR21, HR22 and HR23 DVRs.The DirecTV website has the manuals for current receivers.
Gee, mine is (I have both the -100 and -200). So if you go to the setup menu, select remote and you can't switch the mode to RF?
The H21's can do RF remotes, just that the remote that ships with the box isn't an RF remote (easy way to tell, on the back of the remote there will be an FCC certification sticker, IR only remotes don't have that).
Well, I was wrong. The H21-200 is RF capable. Sorry for the miss-information!
The manual for my receiver says that the RF remote will not work and I believed the manual.
Can the RF remotes operate in both (RF and IR) modes at the same time?
Can the RF remotes operate in both (RF and IR) modes at the same time?
IIRC, when the H20 first came out, the firmware didn't support a RF remote but it was added later.
I thought the H20 supported RF out of the gate, it was the R15 that took a while before it supported RF.
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