So I was looking around and ran across this, Rainier Encore D9865H and was wondering if they are any good? They don't show much for a channel line up either. I thought I'd ask and see if anybody has one?
Holy crap I was just thinking about posting the same exact thing. Every time a thread is started about them on this site or another, it is usually mere hours before a new post is made over there about how wrong it is. It will go into how Charlie is once again pouring money into SatelliteGuys to ruin C-Band.In a few hours, news of this thread will be posted on their forum with the title, SatelliteGuys Forum Ruthlessly and Brutally Leads the Continuous Coordinated Attack on the Savior of Satellite". They always seem to be throwing a perpetual pity party... LOL!!!
No, we are simply suggesting that interested parties use available web resources to learn about the company and their business practices.
LOL!!! I know! I always get a kick out of their "crazy uncle" conspiracy theories and especially about how "Charlie" controls our FTA forum discussions.
It would seem to me that in our promotion of watching FTA with its availabilty of UHD/HD feeds, backhauls and the popularity of FTA during the rapid increase of "cable cutting", this would result in a decrease of Dishnetwork subscriptions (translation = hurt "Charlie".
Not sure if we are naively complacent on how we are contributing to killing off C-band..., but if true, I want a paycheck! $$$$$$$$$ LOL
Yes, it really bothers me that they actually celebrate if a FTA channel encrypts or leaves. Never an announcement of new channels added or revealing that the technology of the legacy receiver is not capable of receiving many of the FTA services, performing a blind scan or even recording...
If memory serves me, the wonderful guys at RS came in here and saw posts where a particular MUX of cable channels were running in the clear and they called and complained they were running ITC and in a few days, they were encrypted again. Nice guys they are. Perhaps it's time to return the favor by banning their IP address, that way they can't get in here to spy on us. Scott could handle that. LOL
That only goes so far; my cell phone changes IP's multiple times a day. The IP block really only works for blocking static IP's.
Remember lose lips sink ships.
Most of the dish guys come in on their own devices and normally on their off time.
They do monitor the main dish forum 24/7 though as problems are normally reported there before they make it through the agents. But that’s about all they do here.
Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
So true. Maybe we should start spreading the word on ITC channels by PM only.
So I was looking around and ran across this, Rainier Encore D9865H and was wondering if they are any good? They don't show much for a channel line up either. I thought I'd ask and see if anybody has one?
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