I have had missing recordings on my HR44 numerous times after this flawed update. Not to mention the difficulty I have in finding other previously easily accessible menu items such as future recordings list etc,,At first I found the missing recordings in history or by a red button reset. Another option that works is to do a system test which is faster than a reboot.
I can understand having bugs in a new software, what irks me is the lengthy delay by ATT in providing a fix. This has led me to looking at other options including Dish, TiVo/ Xfinity and OTA Tablo. I haven't had this big of a problem since I switched to Directv 20 years ago.
If it was just me using the DVRs in our home I would already have made a change but with my wife very use to the Directv HR24 she uses a change would create a little stress. The HR24s on the older software preform well. I did "test drive" a Hopper 3 it runs circles around the Genie with all its options but would take a little extra time to adjust to. I'll probably give ATT till January to see if the rumors of a cure for the issues are true.