There is no dishnetwork tuner built into any external hard. This is why all recording need to be recorded on the receiver,then transfered to the External hard drive. The Extenal setting is used to hookup a pocket dish to record to.
With the 722, is this possible? I know it allows for an external HD but can you actually grab your recordings with it?
Perhaps that will be possible in tandem with the HD option on the 211/411?
When you use an EHD, is that all the drive can be used for? Or can I use it to back up files from my PC, or PS3?
You can get programs to the EHD in one step, I have done it. I don't know the technical jazz but apparently the programs are recorded to the internal storage (in my case it appears as TV2/ehd) and then automatically get transferred to the EHD. I say apparently because knowledgeable people have said that it is impossible to go directly to the EHD. I have a Group Folder for "My Media" that contains everything on the EHD, so it seems that you cannot group by title across the USB boundary. In summary, you can record "directly" to the EHD in that the process is invisible (sort of) to you.
If you cannot record directly to the hard drive then how does Dish Network expect to use an external hard drive on the 211/411 to make it a DVR?
You'll have to enlighten us how you record directly to the EHD and/or automatically move them to the EHD. To my knowledge this cannot be done and you are the only one I have ever seen claim it can done.
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