SatinKzo said:Knowing Dish, it wll depend on the CSR you get or call back to get, or call back again to get. etc etc etc.
Honestly I don't know, I don't remember how they do the pre-pay, if it is 11 months paid, 12th month free or discounted price per month? If discounter per month, I would suspect they would want the difference in full pice to discounted price for months used.
BFG said:They are not entitled to offer any refunds on annual programming.
BFG said:BTW who doesn't know how to spell receiver? That's an easy one.![]()
ken said:BTW, what part of pre-pay don't you understand ?
ken said:I don' know why Scott bothers to offer us a spell check, it seems some people will do it for us just to be annoying.
BTW, what part of pre-pay don't you understand ?
Now let us see just how many of you take this personal.
SatinKzo said:I didn't take it personally, but I do see how you are talking bad about my mother!![]()
Well, I tried to get a link to it, but could not get the link to bring up the right page. Anyways from the internet archive pages on Dishnetwork from a year ago, it doesn't mention anything about refunds of pre-pay on the annual subscription, only pro-rating monthly service. But then again, it doesn't say they won't refund you either.
Look them up or any of the sites that cache the old pages of the www.
BTW, IMHO Dish had some horrendous site designs in the not too distant past.![]()
Dogcliff said:Ever heard the phrase...You don't don't get...? The worst you could get is a NO. But you may get a YES. Sure wouldn't hurt to ask...especially with a good reason for your request.
wjarrettc said:Considering the reason is my mom wants to switch to DirecTV because it is $10 a month cheaper with her BellSouth phone service, I'm guessing the answer will be a resounding HELL NO.![]()
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