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Report channels missing from the Super-DMA | SatelliteGuys.US

Report channels missing from the Super-DMA


XXI Century Explorer
Original poster
Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Feb 16, 2004
IMPORTANT: If your OTA channel map has been already updated to the new Super-DMA map and you are already getting program listings for new channels, please verify that you are getting PG listings for all of your channels. If you are missing PG listings for some of the channels that you can tune to, please report such channels in this thread. Your information will help VOOM in fine-tuning the Super-DMA maps.

Please post the following info:

1. Your Zip code
2. Your DMA map number if you know it, or just the City name.
3. Channel number as listed in the program guide.
4. Station call letters
5. RF number if you know it.
6. Signal quality, if you know, or just confirm whether it is coming strong.​
Please note, that the new program listings will not show up immediately. Post here only if you have started getting listings for other stations outside your DMA and you are certain that particular station is missing. All other postings will be deleted. Please use the following thread for discussion: Super-DMA is being released!

To discuss reception issues related to particular stations, please use corresponding threads of the VOOM "In Your Area" Forum.

Thank you for your help!
Pittsburgh received the Super-DMA today and it has mistakes :)

I have listed the mistakes in order of severity.

WQEX-Pittsburgh, PA RF:26 Analog:16 PSIP data is 16-1 listing is no info. This staion is located in downtown Pittsburgh and it's digital channel has been licensed since last summer.

WNPB-Morgantown, WV RF:33 Analog:24 PSIP data is 24-1, 24-2, 24-3, no info on all three. 24-1 is West Virginia PBS (WVPBS), 24-2 is WVPBS2, and 24-3 is the Annenburg CPB Channel. Though this station is licensed to WV the Pittsburgh DMA covers 3 states. WNPB covers Washington, Fayette, Greene, Monongalia, Preston, and Garrett counties in the Pittsburgh DMA. WNPB is located 35 miles from downtown Pittsburgh.

WTOV-Steubenville, Oh RF:57 Analog:9 (WTOV is 25 miles from downtown Pittsburgh)
VOOM EPG lists it as 57-1, however WTOV sends PSIP data and multicasts. After a scan 9-1 and 9-2 shows up on the EPG along with the 57-1 that VOOM added. So you have in the EPG:

9-1 no info
9-2 no info
57-1 EPG info for WTOV

It really isn't major so I just hid 9-1 and tune to 57-1 where the guide info is, but since 9-2 is local weather it looks odd having 9-2 and 57-1 instead of 9-1 & 9-2.

WQED-Pittsburgh, PA EPG info is listed on 13-3 when the video is on 13-2.

WPGH-Pittsburgh, PA station multicasts. 53-1 is HD and 53-2 is an SD simulcast. EPG info listed on 53-1, 53-2 has no info (not that it matters as both -1 and -2 are identical programming).

WCWB-Pittsburgh, PA station multicasts. 22-1 is HD and 22-2 is an SD simulcast. EPG info listed on 22-1, 22-2 has no info (not that it matters as both -1 and -2 are identical programming).

Those are the only mistakes I could see or that have been reported to me (not that there are many of us I only know of 6 Pittsburgh VOOMers).

Otherwise, keep up the good work VOOM and thanks for getting channels listed in the EPG.
Orlando, FL has the Super-DMA map, but is missing some of the stations.

I am not receiving any guide info for the following stations:

(Call Letters)(Voom Channel)(Network)(Location)(RF #)


OTA Map = 0020
Zip Code = 34711

Thanks for taking care of this! :)
I don't think I"m getting the super dma for pittsburgh. Nothing changed in the local channels menu item for me. I did start getting WQEX this am after a new scan. I now have 13 channels, counting all the sub channels. My scan pauses for 33, but does not pick it up as the signal seems to fluctuate too much or is below the weather threshold. I don't see 57 at all. My antenna is too low or to weak to pick that one up. I'm 26 miles south of Pittsburgh in Washington County. I see pretty much the same problems in the guide as bryan does, with the exception of the two channels I don't get, mentioned above. I'm one of the six pittsburgh voomers!

bryan27 said:
Pittsburgh received the Super-DMA today and it has mistakes :)

I have listed the mistakes in order of severity.

WQEX-Pittsburgh, PA RF:26 Analog:16 PSIP data is 16-1 listing is no info. This staion is located in downtown Pittsburgh and it's digital channel has been licensed since last summer.

WNPB-Morgantown, WV RF:33 Analog:24 PSIP data is 24-1, 24-2, 24-3, no info on all three. 24-1 is West Virginia PBS (WVPBS), 24-2 is WVPBS2, and 24-3 is the Annenburg CPB Channel. Though this station is licensed to WV the Pittsburgh DMA covers 3 states. WNPB covers Washington, Fayette, Greene, Monongalia, Preston, and Garrett counties in the Pittsburgh DMA. WNPB is located 35 miles from downtown Pittsburgh.

WTOV-Steubenville, Oh RF:57 Analog:9 (WTOV is 25 miles from downtown Pittsburgh)
VOOM EPG lists it as 57-1, however WTOV sends PSIP data and multicasts. After a scan 9-1 and 9-2 shows up on the EPG along with the 57-1 that VOOM added. So you have in the EPG:

9-1 no info
9-2 no info
57-1 EPG info for WTOV

It really isn't major so I just hid 9-1 and tune to 57-1 where the guide info is, but since 9-2 is local weather it looks odd having 9-2 and 57-1 instead of 9-1 & 9-2.

WQED-Pittsburgh, PA EPG info is listed on 13-3 when the video is on 13-2.

WPGH-Pittsburgh, PA station multicasts. 53-1 is HD and 53-2 is an SD simulcast. EPG info listed on 53-1, 53-2 has no info (not that it matters as both -1 and -2 are identical programming).

WCWB-Pittsburgh, PA station multicasts. 22-1 is HD and 22-2 is an SD simulcast. EPG info listed on 22-1, 22-2 has no info (not that it matters as both -1 and -2 are identical programming).

Those are the only mistakes I could see or that have been reported to me (not that there are many of us I only know of 6 Pittsburgh VOOMers).

Otherwise, keep up the good work VOOM and thanks for getting channels listed in the EPG.
Is this information useful? Or is there some other information that I need to provide? I posted this but I don't know if it will help get my channel mappings fixed or not.
Thanks in advance.

[FONT=Courier New]Off-Air MAP  scan taken in La Verne, CA 91750 with antenna pointed at Mt Wilson
OTA MAP 0002

RF  Off-Air Channels
23  40-1  KTBN-D1       40-1 NOT MAPPED    ADD 40-1 KTBND1     
23  40-2  KTBN-D2       40-2 NOT MAPPED    ADD 40-2 KTBND2
23  40-3  KTBN-D3       40-3 NOT MAPPED    ADD 40-3 KTBND3
23  40-4  KTBN-D4       40-4 NOT MAPPED    ADD 40-4 KTBND4
31   5-1  KTLA-D1        5-1 KTLAD1
31   5-2  KTLA-D2        5-2 NOT MAPPED    ADD 5-2 KTLAD2
32  56-1  KDOC-DT       56-1 KDOCD1
32  56-2  KDOC-SD       56-2 NOT MAPPED    ADD 56-2 KDOCD2
35  34-1  KMEX-DT       34-1 KMEXD1 
35  34-2  KFTR-DT       34-2 KMEXD2        CHANGE TO 34-2 KFTRD2
36   4-1  NBC4-LA        4-1 KNBCD1
36   4-2  WX-Plus        4-2 KNBCD2
39  52-1  KVEA-DT       52-1 KVEAD1
41  58-1  KLCS-DT       58-1 KLCSD1
41  58-2  KLCS-DT       58-2 KLCSD2
41  58-3  KLCS-DT       58-3 KLCSD3
41  58-4  KLCS-DT       58-4 KLCSD4
42  22-1  KWHY-DT       22-1 KWHYD1
43   9-1  KCAL-DT        9-1 KCALD1
48  50-1  KOCE-DT       50-1 KOCED1
48  50-2  KOCE-DT       50-2 NOT MAPPED    ADD 50-2 KOCED2
48  50-3  KOCE-DT       50-3 NOT MAPPED    ADD 50-3 KOCED3
49  57-1  KJLA-DT       57-1 NOT MAPPED    ADD 57-1 KJLAD1
49  99-1  USDTV         99-1 NOT MAPPED    ADD 99-1 USDTV1
49  99-2  ESPN          99-2 NOT MAPPED    SCRAMBLED DO NOTHING
49  99-3  ESPN2         99-3 NOT MAPPED    SCRAMBLED DO NOTHING
49  99-6  FOOD          99-6 NOT MAPPED    SCRAMBLED DO NOTHING
49  99-9  HGTV          99-9 NOT MAPPED    SCRAMBLED DO NOTHING
51  44-1  KXLA-DT       44-1 KXLAD1
51  44-2  KVMD-DT       44-2 KXLAD2        CHANGE TO 44-2 KVMDD2
53   7-1  KABC-DT        7-1 KABCD1 
53   7-2  KABC-NN        7-2 KABCD2
53   7-3  KABC-RD        7-3 KABCD3
59  28-1  KCET-HD       28-1 KCETD1
59  28-2  KCET-SD       28-2 KCETD2
60   2-1  KCBS-DT        2-1 KCBSD1
61  18-1  KSCI-D1       18-1 KSCID1
61  18-2  KSCI-D2       18-2 KSCID2
68  62-1  KRCA1         62-1 KRCAD1
68  62-2  KRCA2         62-2 NOT MAPPED    ADD 62-2 KRCAD2
68  62-3  KRCA3         62-3 NOT MAPPED    ADD 62-3 KRCAD3 
68  62-4  KRCA4         62-4 NOT MAPPED    ADD 62-4 KRCAD4

65    STRONG SIGNAL     11-1 KTTVD1  
66    STRONG SIGNAL     13-1 KCOPD1
30    NO SIGNAL         15-1 KPBSD1
30    NO SIGNAL         15-2 KPBSD2
26    NO SIGNAL         24-1 KVCRD1
54    NO SIGNAL         54-1 KAZAD1[/FONT]
SF Bay Area Super DMA

Can someone post the channels included in the S.F. Bay Area's Super DMA map?

I have been waiting for this before getting VOOM, since I only get OTA signals from outside the DMA.
Shreveport Super DMA

I now have a channel 22-1 ( I don't know where this is from)but I still do not have a program guide for NBC out of Texarkana (KTAL) Offair channel 6-1 I have 89 as a signal strength My zip code is 71104. Any help would be appreciated. I've been on the phone with voom tech support multiple times (not in the past week) and they keep telling me they can't help me.

Thanks in advance,
Shreveport, Louisiana

As for Shreveport, Louisiana I have found the following...

3-3 (KTBS, Shreveport, dig channel 28)guide info is incorrect, it should be KTBS Cable News

6-1 (KTAL, Texarkana, dig channel 15)no guide info

And a quick question, why does channel 24 (dig channel 25) not show up while performing a channel scan? It pauses on channel 25, however does not list, 25-1, 25-3, and 25-5. The channels do however show in the program guide.
SDMA update does not appear to have happened for Atlanta GA on the 10th. I'm reasonably sure I would have gotten at least a few new stations and have not, as of the morning of the 11th.
New York City Area

1. 07304
2. New York (001)
3. 11-2
5. RF (Not sure where to find this?)
6. Signal quality - 95

Anyone else in the New York City area not get a listing for this channel, or is it just me?
My Super DMA Experience (Washington DC)

I am finally receiving PG data for Baltimore channels as part of the DC Super DMA Map, but I had to reboot my receivers when I returned from work and I am experiencing mixed results:

Receiver #1 - receive PG data for the Baltimore channels (2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 11-1, 13-1, 22-2 thru 22-6, 45-1, 54-1, 67-2 thru 67-6) However, the channels keep hiding and then reappearing. :confused:

Receiver #2 - the Baltimore channels above are in the local channels area (most were already there), but no PG data is being received.

Receiver #3 - same as receiver #1.

Item 1: PG for subchannels 9-2, WUSA-DT weather channel, and 7-2, WJLA-DT weather channel, is not being provided - missing channels.

Item 2: Besides the hiding/reappearing channels, I am sometimes seeing the system hickup and the VOOM channels appearing in the local channels area - they will usually disappear when I page back and forward. I haven't tried to hide a VOOM channel for fear of it disappearing forever.

Item 3: The little green satellite icon was on Receiver #1 this morning; this usually happens during a software updated. I had turned it off the night before and I didn't have time to check it this am. Receiver #2, which was also power off before I turned in last night, did not turn on when I pressed the on button. I did a soft reboot to recover the receiver and then left for work. I didn't have time to check Receiver #3. I'm not too happy with the DMA Map. Of course, I have picked up over 60 channels from 4 DMAs during previous scans and have duplicate RF channels coming from different directions (i.e. RF46 in both Baltimore and Charlottesville)

Item 4: When changing channels (+ or -) the channel channel changes to something entirely different...this happened on at least one receiver. Example: last night I hit the channel + key while on Lifetime (wife was watching, not me!), channel 524, and I was taken to INVOOM, channel 700. Likewise, I would hit the INFO button while on Lifetime and it would display INVOOM, channel 700, on the status bar. This happened with other channels as well. Strange.

Item 5: An example of Item 4. I'm on channel 100 and the PG label area displays 100 HDNEWS-->channel up to and PG label area display 101 with no label information-->hit the info button and the label area displays the channel as being 62-2 (WPTD2), which is a hidden local channel-->manually enter 101 on the remote and it briefly shows 110 FAMILYRM, but jumps to 54-2 (WB54-DT which is also hidden)-->toggle the +- or enter channel and it will eventually right itself. The PG is being corrupted!

Item 6: WTTG-DT, Fox5, has always been a PITA. This is the only channel that will lockup the receiver when checking system status (HELP, INFO, OK) to see signal levels.

Also, while I am technically in the DC DMA (55+ miles), both Antennaweb and CheckHD tell me that I should be receiving digitals from Richmond (51+ miles) and Charlottesville (53+ miles), which I do. I am not receiving PG data for the following channels because they were not included in the DC DMA Map:

Missing Channels IMO

Richmond - basically all the channels in their DMA: WRIC-DT 8-1 and 8-2 (RF22), WTVR-DT 6-1 (RF26), WRLH-DT 35-1 (RF26), WCVE-DT 23-1 (RF42), WCVW-DT 44-1 (RF44), WWBT-DT 12-1, 12-2, 12-3 (RF54)

Charlottesville - the entire DMA which consists of WVIR-DT 29-1 (RF32) and WHTJ-DT 41-1 (RF46)

Oh well, I wonder if VOOM/Moto can create a DMA Map for Fredericksburg/Spotsy. Anyone else having these issues? Also, I noticed my Authorization Status is now MW. It is usually SWO and will change to MP after reboot while the receiver is downloading PG data, but I have never seen MW. What does MW mean? Lastly, all receivers are running the latest & greatest firmware 7.37. Motorola Engineers please feel free to send me a PM.
Need channels added to my SuperDMA

My boxes are in the #083 channel map which is Huntsville, Alabama. However, I live just over the stateline in Fayetteville, Tennessee (37334) and can pick up a few channels not listed on my map from both Nashville and Cookeville, Tennessee. Can you please add these to my map to receive?

Here's the list of channels I receive:
1. RF#:27 Callsign:WKRN Affiliate: ABC Channels: 2-1 WKRN (ABC), 2-2 WKRN (Nashville Weather Station) Location: Nashville, TN Signal Quality: 98

2. RF#56 Callsign: WNPT Affiliate: PBS Channel: 8-1 WNPT (PBS) Location: Nashville, TN Signal Quality: 85

3.RF#36 Callsign: WNPX Affiliate: PAX Channels: 28-1 WNPX (PAX East), 28-2 (PAX West), 28-3 (Worship), 28-4 (Faith) Location: Cookeville, TN
Signal Quality: 86

4. RF#23 Callsign: WNAB Affiliate: WB Channels: 58-1 WNAB (WB HD), 58-2 (WB SD) Location: Nashville, TN Signal Quality: 87

I would really appreciate a guide listing for these channels. Thanks
DC Area Update

Just a quick look this morning and the DC area S-DMA Map appears to have been worked on last night: no lockups, no more out-of-sequence channels, not having a problem hiding/unhiding channels. I didn't have to reboot my receivers this PG appears to have been pushed last night. So far, so good! Appreciate VOOM/Moto engineers working on this problem.
I reside in the Greenville/Spartanburg/Asheville DMA (my ZIP is 28167) but can tune in the following Charlotte stations
22 36-1 WCNC (NBC)
23 3-1 WBTV (CBS)
27 18-1 WCCB (FOX)
34 9-1 WSOC (ABC)
39 55-1 WWWB (WB)
47 46-1 WJZY (UPN)

among others (PBS), all at a signal strength of 88 or better. These show up in my guide (and have since local scanning was implemented,) but I get no program guide data for any of them. Charlotte, NC was released 3/9 I believe, so I wonder if I need to do anything to get the guide data. I have rescanned, re-booted...nothing. Any ideas?
heels98 said:
I reside in the Greenville/Spartanburg/Asheville DMA (my ZIP is 28167) but can tune in the following Charlotte stations...
Just wait until your DMA is released in a few days.
i gat super DMA and now i cannot scan channels i can get to instaler menu when i hit scan it goes back to channel that is playing i have done a reset that did not help.
Arrived home and could not tune-in any VOOM channel - OTA worked fine...had to reboot all three receivers to recover. I am in the DC DMA. Anyway, the problems I reported with the DC DMA Map appear to have been corrected and so far no lockups.

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