Well ...I am physically in 33437 and "moved" to 07024.
Did you run a Repeat Sat Set Up and choose the correct LNB ?I should correct one thing I wrote above. The red X's are on 99 and 103 ODD(13v) & EVEN(18v), not East and West.
OK, just checking because that was never mentioned above.SWM LNB reverse for the 4K. It only has one coax output on it.
Yeah, and when this happens, because of the way a SL-3 LNB is wired internally, it causes those spurious levels from 110 and 119W that are actually coming from the same numbered transponders on 101W.Good catch texasbrit. I did the same thing when going to a 3 lnb from a 5. Even with the 3 working, it showed signal strength from 110 and 119 until I completed the setup process.
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