It's Pussy Football League soon, folks!
The gist for those who don't click the link:
Replace every kickoff with a 4th and 15 play at your own 35. You can try and go for it, or punt it. So a punt would replace many kickoffs.
I actually kinda like that idea. Hate onside kicks, but a 4th and 15 instead of every kickoff... kinda neat.
Concussions related to kickoffs are down 40% compared to the year prior, after moving it to the 35. Remember all the outrage about that...? Sure did end up being a whole lot of nothing.
If this doesn't happen I think kickoffs will continue to get tweaked until we'll wish they did. No other play has people running the length of the field just to run into each other.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that he's taken it under consideration to remove the kickoff entirely.
"It's an off-the-wall idea. It's different and makes you think differently. It did me," Goodell told TIME in a cover story for the Dec. 17 issue.
That's Greg Schiano's idea, Goodell wants to get rid of them completely.
The same guy that rushes the QB when they kneel down, yeah he cares...That's Greg Schiano's idea, Goodell wants to get rid of them completely.
I use to love being on special teams and lining up and get ready to hit someone in high school, not going to lie that was fun, especially if you could hit..sad to see them talking about taking this out.
It is an interesting idea, thinking outside the box and all, but most likely too radical to implement...The gist for those who don't click the link:
Replace every kickoff with a 4th and 15 play at your own 35. You can try and go for it, or punt it. So a punt would replace many kickoffs.
I actually kinda like that idea. Hate onside kicks, but a 4th and 15 instead of every kickoff... kinda neat.
Concussions related to kickoffs are down 40% compared to the year prior, after moving it to the 35. Remember all the outrage about that...? Sure did end up being a whole lot of nothing.
If this doesn't happen I think kickoffs will continue to get tweaked until we'll wish they did. No other play has people running the length of the field just to run into each other.
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