This got my geek side excited today
I've been playing with SDR for a little while starting with the SoftRock 6.3 RXTX, later adding the Mobo 4.3 for handling multiple bands, then lastly the SDR-Widget for an on board high-quality USB audio interface. The Widget/Mobo team has been working hard on porting the GHPSDR3 project that what originally interfacing to the TAPR? radio. They have a linux server that communicates to the Softrock/Mobo/Widget, so you can have local or remote clients connect. They recently got an Android build going which I find pretty cool
Runs great on my Galaxy Nexus or my Xoom to either my local server, or remote ones. I attached the actual snapshot from my phone. VERY Cool stuff they are doing...
Ghpsdr3 SDR project

Ghpsdr3 SDR project