Have you been keeping up with the receiver and dish upgrades? Shaw has been shuffling some things around since April of 2017 as part of their "HD network upgrade" and if you weren't on top of those changes, they may have left you behind.
I'm in Georgia. I hate the lose of all SD channels but I am getting a lot more HD channels than ever before. Is there a list anywhere of all the channels I can receive?
Standard Definition Drops for Aug 15th G1 HD channels highlighted in Yellow - unavailable to some. Pale yellow highlight indicates no HD version available - channel lost to all.
I'm in Georgia. I hate the lose of all SD channels but I am getting a lot more HD channels than ever before. Is there a list anywhere of all the channels I can receive?
I'm in w. mass, can't get a signal with the 75 cm dish, but I can with my old prime focus, but the new rcvr doesn't power the old corotator what kind of system are you using? thanks