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Signal Intensity changes in Galaxy 3c (95W) ? | SatelliteGuys.US

Signal Intensity changes in Galaxy 3c (95W) ?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 25, 2012
North of Mexico
Hi guys.

I have been exploring C band for just a few weeks. I have located SatMex5, SatMex6, SES1, Galaxy 16 and Galaxy 3C using my 6ft dish, 1LNBF and a MicroHD Receiver. I´m not using a motor, so I move manually the dish for changing from one satellite to another. Last week I installed a second LNBF and I was able to see several days simultaneosly some channels from Galaxy 16, and CBS & Univisión from Galaxy 3C.
The thing is that after 2 days with furious windows, the antenna was moved and I lost signal from both satellites. So, I went to aim again my dish and got the Galaxy 16 signal in minutes. The problem is that I cannot find any signal for Galaxy 3C. Using the same LNBF (the one centered), I can tune channels from Galaxy16, SES1, Satmex6 and Satmex5, but nothing from Galaxy C3. I spend much time looking for this signal (moving dish east-west, upper and lower, rotating skew) and I can't get neither a 10 percent of quality signal from Galaxy C3.
Last week I located Galaxy C3 in a fast way, barely rotating the dish to East direction from Galaxy 16 location.
Did Galaxy 3C signals loose power? Do you receive it with the same intensity and quality than 2 weeks ago?
I don't believe anyone else is talking about power levels changing on 95W, what probably happened in your case was the wind blew your lnbf setup out of whack. You may need to start from scratch in re-assembling your dual-lnb setup. On a dish that size I think you will be tweaking quite awhile to get good c-band from c-band satellites. Finding a motor for your dish and switching back to single lnbf may be your best course for stable signals. Or, you may work on the dish-tracking the satellite arc in a wider range, with the c-band lnbf first, see how far east and west you can receive satellite signals well. Then you might try replacing the 2nd lnbf. SInce I don't know how you had it mounted, anything else would just be a guess for me.
Thanks Turbosat.

I tried some other days to find G3C with no succeed. Curious thing is that I found G16(99W) and G17(91W); but G3C (95W, just between the other two) didn't appear. Last Saturday I repeated the procedure and... There it was. Easily located G3C. "Maybe the dish was not accurately aimed", I though. But...
Sunday morning there was signal in CBS from that same C3G, and about 10 AM it dissapeared. Movement in my antenna? Not at all. No wind, and the other LNBF (wich same saturday I adjusted to G17) was delivering perfectly well channel "Arts Showcase" from G17. 3 Hours later, signal from CBS and Univisión from G3C were back.
Terrestrial interference ? Don´t know. Maybe...
manually the dish for changing from one satellite to another.
Polar mount or Az-El?
and about 10 AM it dissapeared. - - - 3 Hours later, signal - - were back.
Sounds like G3 may be weak in your area and your experiencing solar interference. The other satellites may be stronger and not be interfered with to a degree that causes them to 'disappear like G3.
Think I'd -
Tune it up with your center (main) lnbf on G3 and watch it over the course of a few days. If it disappears and re-appears daily on 'schedule' think we can confirm to a reasonable degree that 'that's it'.
If so, think the only recourse is a larger dish. Higher gain and tighter beam width to minimize the effects.
It's also near solar outage season. When the sun appears to be directly behind the satellite you're aimed at.
The 4167 TP LPTV1,2,3,4 on G3C which has 2 CBS and 2 Univision is a feed which is normally up early in the morning and later at night. Its not up 24hrs. I have also noted that somedays it doesnt go up at all so its very unprectictable. 4174 H 2278 a Info.7mx news feed and Roberts horseracing feeds work the same way only somedays in the morning
Hi FatAir

It's a Polar mount, and I know that when you turn the pole to aim to another satellite certain Altitude and Skew correction may be needed. The fact is that when i move the pole between G16 and G3C I don´t need to do any correction for locking channels. It works fine like that (accepting that signal would be better with a precise adjustments).
According tho the link's page you provided, solar interference may be strong als long as for 8 minutes at certain hour near midday. I was looking for G3C without finding it in the morning (before 11 AM), at midday, and also in the afternoon (sun already in the horizon). So i keep thinking there is some other reason for no catching G3C sometimes. Anyway, it seems to work fine by now in the evening and night, just when I could watch these channels.

Very useful the page you provided and yes, I will try to observe at what time of the day this signal is gone

Thank you very much for your answer.
Please reply by conversation.

without signal on RTV on AMC 9 Ku @ 83 W (RTV, TUFF, PBJ)

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