Hi, New to forum and hoping someone has had a similar experience. I have had DTV for 15 years but moved two years ago this month so that is how old this installation is. I have a MPEG4 KU/KA Band Slim Line Dish feeding a Zinwell WB68 6X8 multiswitch. The coax run from the LNB to the multiswitch is 16 feet. In the house is an HD DVR and a regular receiver neither of which ever cause a problem. The third receiver is in my shop building 85 feet behind my house. The coax run from the multiswitch to this receiver is 102 feet. For two years I had no problems with this location using an old RCA receiver, then about 6 weeks ago I started getting some pixilated channels occasionally. It got worse until about two weeks ago it was doing it every day. The strange thing is it is heat related. I am in Birmingham, Alabama and it has been getting in the mid to high 90's lately. At night or even after it rains and cools things off I get all the channels, but by 1 or 2 PM most of the channels are blank or pixilated. The local channels are never a problem. I thought it might be the coax from the multiswitch (buried) so I bought a new RG6 cable and swapped it out with no improvement. After several conversations with DTV tech support they thought it might be my old receiver and sent me two new ones for free through their Legacy program. I tried both of them with no sucess. I then bought an inline signal booster from Radio Shack and tried it. I took that back for a refund the next day and called DTV for a service call. After waiting 7 days for the tech to come, here is what he did. Replaced the LNB and multiswitch. Replaced all four coax cables from the LNB to the multiswitch and replaced the cable from the multiswitch to the receiver with new duplex RG6 cable and of course re-aimed the dish. None of this has helped as I still have all the channels when it's cool and loose most of them when it's hot. Obstructions are not a problem as my dish looks at open sky. I verified this on the dishpointer website and the DTV tech concurred. Again, no problem for two years and now this. Anyone ever heard of anything like this before?