B Bill R SatelliteGuys Pro Original poster Supporting Founder Sep 8, 2003 364 0 Oct 26, 2003 #1 I notice that all the times on posts are off by an hour (I'm posting this at 9:04 PM ET). Scott, did your server forget to reset its clock?
I notice that all the times on posts are off by an hour (I'm posting this at 9:04 PM ET). Scott, did your server forget to reset its clock?
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,427 28,490 Newington, CT Oct 26, 2003 #2 Bill your setting were set to no daylight savings time, so it stayed the same even though the time has changed. I just updated your account and you should be all set now.
Bill your setting were set to no daylight savings time, so it stayed the same even though the time has changed. I just updated your account and you should be all set now.
B Bill R SatelliteGuys Pro Original poster Supporting Founder Sep 8, 2003 364 0 Oct 26, 2003 #3 Thanks Scott. I was one of the ones that had the time bug when the board first started. I fixed that string but I guess I forgot to set the DST option.
Thanks Scott. I was one of the ones that had the time bug when the board first started. I fixed that string but I guess I forgot to set the DST option.