However, they just settled it for almost nothing. SiriusXM Settles Class-Action Antitrust Suit - 2011-05-16 15:28:43 | TWICEIn a complaint filed in 2009, the subscribers claimed that New York-based Sirius XM, the product of a 2008 merger between Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. and XM Satellite Holdings Inc., abused its monopoly power by illegally raising prices by almost 30 percent. The suit targets so-called music royalty fees that Sirius charges in addition to subscription fees.
Under the settlement, still to be approved by the court, Sirius XM agreed through December 31 not to raise rates on its basic programming package, other programming packages, its internet streaming services, and its U.S. music royalty fee. Under the settlement, however, the company won't have to decrease its subscription discounts for owning multiple radios.
Also under the settlement, former subscribers who ended their subscriptions after July 29, 2009, will be able to go to the company's web site to receive for free either one month of basic satellite radio service or one month of Internet streaming.
Sirius XM will pay up to $13 million to pay the costs of providing notice to the plaintiff class and reimburse plaintiffs' fees and expenses. The settlement does not require the company to make any other cash payments in the suit, which sought treble damages.
If You Subscribed to Sirius, XM, or Sirius XM RadioRead this message carefully. Records show you subscribed to Sirius XM Radio. We are sending this e-mail to tell you about the proposed Settlement of a class action that may affect your legal rights. Go to for a detailed notice about the proposed Settlement. There is a class action lawsuit against Sirius XM concerning the July 28, 2008 merger that created Sirius XM. The lawsuit claims this merger violated federal antitrust laws and that Sirius XM raised its prices as a result of the merger. Sirius XM denies it did anything wrong.
You Could Get Benefits From a Class Action Settlement
Para una notificación en Español, llamar 1-800-760-6247 o visitar
Who's Included? You are included in the Class if you were a Sirius, XM, or Sirius XM subscriber anytime from July 29, 2008 to July 5, 2011 and you paid: (1) the U.S. Music Royalty Fee; or (2) a monthly multi-radio charge of $8.99; or (3) a $2.99 monthly Internet access charge if you previously did not pay to access Sirius XM's content over the Internet.
What Does the Settlement Provide? Under this proposed Settlement, Sirius XM has agreed it will not raise the price of its base subscription plan and certain other prices through the end of 2011. Additionally, subscribers with long term plans (excluding lifetime subscriptions) will be permitted to restart their plan at current rates before December 31, 2011. After approval of the Settlement, former subscribers will also be permitted to either (a) reconnect their satellite radio without paying a reactivation fee and receive one month of service at no cost; or (b) receive one month of Sirius XM Internet streaming service at no cost. The estimated value of the Settlement is $180 million. The Settlement does not provide for cash payments to the Class.
How to Get Benefits? Current subscribers scheduled to renew before December 31, 2011 do not need to do anything. Current subscribers who are scheduled to renew after December 31, 2011 and who want to restart their long term plan at current rates as well as former subscribers who want to reconnect service or receive streaming service should go to
What Are Your Options? If you do not want to be legally bound by the Settlement, you must exclude yourself from it. The deadline to exclude yourself is July 5, 2011. If you do not exclude yourself, you will release all claims against Sirius XM concerning any conduct arising out of, based on, or relating to the merger that created Sirius XM. If you stay in the Settlement Class, you may object to it by July 11, 2011. The detailed notice, available at the website or by calling the toll-free number, tells you how to exclude yourself or object. The Court will hold a hearing on August 8, 2011, to consider whether to approve the Settlement and a request by Class Counsel for attorneys' fees and costs up to $13 million, plus interest. You may appear at the hearing, but you don't have to. You may also hire your own attorney, at your own expense, to appear or speak for you at the hearing, but you don't have to.
Do not call or write to Judge Baer for information.
For more information about the Settlement: 1-800-760-6247
I just got this in my inbox. Sounds like quite a deal for SiriusXM... I don't see how any of us benefit.
So you think it's OK for Sirius to blatantly ignore the antitrust clause in the merger that said they are not allowed to raise prices? Even though the core price didn't go up, they raised the family plan price, started charging for streaming, and tacked the royalty fee onto our subs. So yes, the settlement is a total joke, but Mel needs to be held responsible. I think rather than a CAL, the FCC should haul his ass in front of an investigative panel and make him answer for breaking the antitrust agreement, and we should get refunded the fees we paid which were nothing more than a price hike in disguise.
Steve the whole freeloader, slacker, socialist, anti-corporate, anti-capitalism rhetoric has simply taken over this entire country. A bunch of complaining, whining, no personal responsibility, overly-PC folks have all but flushed us down the proverbial toilet. Eventually they will have us join the EU.
which is absolutely impossible with satellite radio
The 6th is the end of the freeview so they'll nuke it the 7th. Mine is unplugged until late next week
Exactly! Consumers want everything for nothing and will do whatever measures necessary to cheat a company out of a few bucks, but what if someone did that to the company that you worked for, or even owned, how would you feel? What if you didn't get a raise last year, or what if you got laid off because of the company not having enough money due to giving away stuff for free. What comes around goes around. You may save two bucks now, but it will cost you four down the road.
Haha nice try, that only works with Sirius radios because they always had the inferior system (FWIU they have changed that though, and they are keeping the kill signals in constant rotation now) . XM you may beat the kill signal (which stays in the stream for several weeks) but in that time the encryption keys expire and you would need a refresh to get it off Channel 1 - which you can't get without a paid subscription.Unhook your radio, call up and cancel it. Turn it back on.
From another thread from a moderator here:
Receiving a signal that is meant to be paid for then intentionally circumventing it's deactivation all while not paying sure sounds like theft to me. While you won't be prosecuted for it, passive theft is still theft.
... and just like I said in another thread about another service; those that cheat the system, regadless for how much or how little, will ALWAYS find ways to rationalize THEIR actions since they are in fact the cheats.
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