1) If sling stops internet support then I have a doorstop./-- Couldn't that happen with any company?
2a) Internet craps out here quite often. 2b) It's Windstream DSL and neither new tech nor dependable./----If your streaming in home its not a factor?
3) Because I know it's not necessary for it to report home. Makes me wonder why they are doing it?/---I agree
4) I have no use for streaming outside of my network because (see 2b above) I only get about 0.3-0.4 Mb/s upload speeds./---all its doing is logging in, data would be minimal...
5) Because I know it's not necessary.
6) Because I know it's not necessary...
Want to send a used Vulkano my way?

/----Its at my home in Illinois I never go back there...