"The Smithsonian Channel launched today in Canada with a two month national free preview, making its exclusive content available in over 5.5 million homes. To support it, a launch campaign has begun to drive sampling to the new commercial-free specialty channel."
For Shaw subscribers this channel is on Anik G1.
This same national free preview until January 13 applies to HiFi channel and Rad X, the other channels of the family along with Oasis HD.
For Shaw subs, HiFi ch, and RadX are also on Anik G1.
For Shaw subscribers this channel is on Anik G1.
This same national free preview until January 13 applies to HiFi channel and Rad X, the other channels of the family along with Oasis HD.
For Shaw subs, HiFi ch, and RadX are also on Anik G1.
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