Lagging behind would be more accurate.mods please change "plummet" to "dissapointing" or "lagging behind"
Yeah, the numbers dont even match.Plummet? Lagging? But didn't Sony sell 1.2 million PS3s over the Holiday Season (Black Friday through 31 December)...and 3.9 combined game consoles if you include PS2 and PSP (1.3 and 1.4 million units). Oh, and those 3.9 million are North America sales only.
- DVDtown.comTotal install base in the US of the XBOX 360 is 9.2 million consoles. Playstation 3 has 3.3 million and the Wii 7.4 million.
If thats the case, should retailers quit selling HD-dvd discs? They are getting outsold by about that margin. I dont think so.Maybe retailers should stop selling the PS3. It is being outsold 3:1 by the 360 and we already have half a dozen game formats. We only need one game console/format. This will confuse JSP. We need to end this game console/format war now!
If thats the case, should retailers quit selling HD-dvd discs? They are getting outsold by about that margin. I dont think so.
i think you misunderstand. It only counts when the numbers look good for the other side. When they dont then no, it doesntwait, so now you guys are going to include the PS3 as a bluray movie player and bring it into here? I am confused you guys say dont count the ps3, but then you find an article that goes against it, its oh look the PS3 sucks as a Movie player and Video game machine....then your very next post in another thread will be well, blu ray players are being outsold by HD DVD players (dont count the Ps3 because it dosent count as a player) make up your minds.
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