From NPS
As of today SPEED CHANNEL on 4DTV Satellite X4 (G4) Virtual Channel Number 430 has been added to our Absolute Digital Package. The Speed Channel will be in every package, which it was in before 12-31-04. Customers who have ala carte Speed Channel will be grandfathered for the length of their subscription. After that the Absolute Digital Package will need to be purchased in order to keep the service.
This channels and many others are on Ku-band, with mini dish type quality but its ok its better than not having them at all...
As of today SPEED CHANNEL on 4DTV Satellite X4 (G4) Virtual Channel Number 430 has been added to our Absolute Digital Package. The Speed Channel will be in every package, which it was in before 12-31-04. Customers who have ala carte Speed Channel will be grandfathered for the length of their subscription. After that the Absolute Digital Package will need to be purchased in order to keep the service.
This channels and many others are on Ku-band, with mini dish type quality but its ok its better than not having them at all...