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Spot Beam Question | SatelliteGuys.US

Spot Beam Question


Original poster
Jul 6, 2005
I'm moving to Omaha, NE and would like to be able to receive the Des Moines, IA local channels. I'm open to using either satellite provider. I've read about the "moving" process (changing service address), but can't figure out if I will be geographically able to receive the Des Moines spotbeam. Does anyone know if the Des Moines spotbeam will reach Omaha? Or could anyone tell me how to find this information? Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
The information I found says that Des Moines is on transponder 31 of the 119 satellite for Directv
You'll have to see what the signal level is on that transponder in Omaha.
welcome :wave

Des Moines & Omaha are on the same spot beam on Dish Network, so you could get those with Dish (spotbeam 2,8 & 10 on 110 satellite)

Also on there are
Sioux Falls
Cedar Rapids
Duluth, MN
Yes. You will still be in the spot beam of the Des Moines locals in Omaha, NE. You will have to "still be living in Des Moines" if you know what I mean in order to receive the locals. Here is a map of the Echostar VIII spot beams:


Thanks everyone, this information has been helpful. Can anyone tell me how to check the signal level for the Directv transponder. Otherwise, it sounds like Dish Network is a safe bet.
I'm looking at a Sony SAT-60 manual and according to that, go to Messages and Setup, Receiver and Phone Setup, Satellite Dish Setup, Test Signal Strength. You can than select Satellite 119 and transponder 31.
You are SOL. Sorry. These two cities are on two different spots and impossible to receive unless you are near the city in question.

The difference between spot-beam and transponder?

A transponder is essentially a satellite frequency that can transmit 12-13 standard definition 4 high definition or dozens of audio and or data-only channels or any combination.

A spot beam is a tightly focused transponder with a small area where the sugnal can be received. This allows the same frequecy to be used many times all over the country. The same frequency (transponder) can be used in Detroit, Nashville and Houston on three different spot beams allowing a total of 36-39 channels (12-13 in each city) as oposed to 12-13 channels in the entire country. This allows satellite carriers to offer more locals.

See ya

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