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Starband Signal Strength | SatelliteGuys.US

Starband Signal Strength


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Dec 6, 2005
Starband recently changed some of their parameters, and I was wondering if this affected their signal strength or the strength meter. I install in Southeast Alaska and traditionally get 7 to low 8's on the Ebno meter. For about a month now (about the same time the parameters changed) I cannot get more than a 6 to 6.5 ebno reading no matter how much I tweak. Things seem to work ok, but there is not much grace for inclement weather. Ironically, during the snowy, windy winter, I was getting the higher readings, and now that it is clear and sunny things seem weak. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Thanks for the reply. I am in Southeast AK, north of Juneau. I am using 1.3m anderson dishes that I get out of Anchorage. At least I think they are 1.3m. A starband supplier sends them to me, so I never second guessed the size. Anchorage is even further north than me, and I guess they work there but I am certainly having signal issues. My customers are losing signal all the time now and they were working great. I'm not sure what the answer is.
After making some calls, I have found that customers all over Alaska are having signal strength issues since the switch to 8PSK. We have all been emailing Starband (Anne Evans) but as of yet have gotten no reply. I hope there is some solution soon because the service calls are costing me and customers are getting restless! I am using .6 lnb's because that's what Partner Place sends me. Should I request a .5 or .4 somehow? Or where would you get them?
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Going from .6 to .5 won't make much of a difference. still better but not by much. .4 Ku band LNB are expensive but you could get maybe a .75 to 1 increase in Ebno.

Every once and awhile I get a .5 or even a .4 . I know they have them at the warehouse in garner NC.

Anne is the right person to be talking to.

Search the internet for other sources but they run about 100 to 200 for a .4
Update !!

Well it seems that the drop in signal on Cluster 51 as a result of going to 8psk modulation with the current coding rate has cause too many problems. There is a significant increase in capacity by going to 8psk but it is not worth the trouble.

They are going to roll back on the coding rate for all cluster 51 customers.

This will cause them to lose about 33% of the increased capacity but will recover 90% of the drop in EBNO as reported on the telemetry page in skymanage.

Tonight they are going to begin streaming the new parameter to "B" memory and will continue over the next few days. Sometime next week they will issue the command for all modems to load "B" memory into the "A" memory.

Keep an eye out for it.
You are on top of things Bajadudes. You have been so helpful, that I actually came to this forum to post that Starband had just emailed me the info that you already posted! I wanted everyone to know that starband acknowledged the problem and were working on it, but you are way ahead of me. Thanks for all the help and info.
Well at least this time they sent out an e-mail...LOL.

New coding rate will be 2/3 and it's looking like the switch will be Tuesday, not 100% sure on the Tuesday date.

If you find yourself with just a power light for an extended period next week, check the coding rate and try setting it to 2/3.

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