I don't have a credit card and don't want one.how do i get away from them asking for one.does dish do the same thing.
lindenray said:But if i don't have one i always pay thru the internet.is there a way around this.
yeah just get a prepaid one. It doesnt have to be on there the whole time (unless you do the free HD which requires autopay)
But don't Direct want some kind of good credit on file always or a big deposit?
sorry it doesnt work that way. You are showing your hatred for anything non C-Band related. Like I say the cc on file with Directv for me was cancelled July 10 and shredded. My bill is paid each month and I can pay with a check or a debit card. Heck I could send in a money order if I wantedI doubt it. The pizza providers want proof that you can pay your bill and access to something if you don't to deduct from if you try to bail. (ETF)
yep I'm sure the OP wants to put a big dish in the yard and have a smattering of channel options. Sorry that dont sound like "freedom". The only "freedom" is you can start and stop the account which as its been posted numerous times Dish subs who buy the equipment can do that. I'm sure the OP doesnt want things like basic channels, a PVR/DVR, locals, HD in their setup and would rather pay $130 or more for a receiver that was outdated 6-7 years ago with a huge dish in his yardIf you want freedom you need a big dish with H2H programing. No credit card, or credit check. Pay as you want to watch something.
Even Shaw in Canada offers more choice then we can get down here.
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