6 handed cash game each player has 100bb
UTG opens to 2.5bb Folds around to SB who 3bets to 11BB
SB has ATh
Flop comes 6h6d3c
The solver says with AT it's always a check here, but with AJ-AK it's mostly a sizable (3/4ths pot) bet.
AT and KT are the only hands in the SBs range that are checks. Wouldn't you want to bet here with these hands bc this board is mostly a "first in first win" type of board?
Is it because AT and KT are likely dominated by the UTG player? But then why are hands like QJs betting spots (also 3/4 pot most of the time)?
UTG opens to 2.5bb Folds around to SB who 3bets to 11BB
SB has ATh
Flop comes 6h6d3c
The solver says with AT it's always a check here, but with AJ-AK it's mostly a sizable (3/4ths pot) bet.
AT and KT are the only hands in the SBs range that are checks. Wouldn't you want to bet here with these hands bc this board is mostly a "first in first win" type of board?
Is it because AT and KT are likely dominated by the UTG player? But then why are hands like QJs betting spots (also 3/4 pot most of the time)?