If you mean 2 Gbox's, each moving a different dish, I think that's possible. At least I hope so, as that is what I have planned when I get my 1.2 meter CM on a polar mount. One Gbox is programmed with even memory location numbers, the other odd. Coax run> Receiver - Gbox1[BUD] - Gbox2[1.2Ku] - Disqc Sw. - LNB's.
NO- DON'T DO IT~ The Gbox's put a short across the motor leads when not moving the actuator. Your second mover will be applying motor voltage and current into a short.
Best to run a coax from your primary receiver, to the second viewing area, and use a frequency agile (NTSC) modulator. Use a remote control extender to control the receiver.
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