Well I broke down and picked up a new iPad Air. I wanted to fix the mistake I made with my first iPad when I only bought 32 GB. That is just way too small for me when I travel and want to bring along a lot of TV. So, I got the 128 GB model.
But, when at the Apple store I also picked up:
I have to say it is an outstanding keyboard cover. It comes in 2 colors, it is real aluminum, and it matches the iPad perfectly. When you close it up it looks like a mini laptop. One thing I would like to see different on it is if the hinge would go all the way around so you could have the keyboard on the back of the iPad. It only goes 180 degrees. You can detach the keyboard and then clip it on the back. The magnetic hinge is nice, and the slot you put the iPad into when it is open is also magnetic and will carry the weight of the keyboard if you pick it up by the iPad. They keyboard is a bit small to type on, but I can type fairly quickly on it, much faster than the on screen keyboard.
The feel of carrying the closed iPad/keyboard is incredible, the smooth aluminum matches the iPad so well.
It has tiny rubber feet on it to hold it still when on a table (and I suspect to keep the aluminum off the table so it does not scratch).