Get ready all you TWC football haters ...
Check out this article in today's USA Today:
I LOVE IT!!!!! Finally, TWC is being exposed. I can't wait until I see the first ad that the NFL Network runs that mentions Time Warner. I especially like the NFL Network rep's quote:
"We think it's asinine that Time Warner (the nation's No. 2 cable provider) carries 12 shopping channels and 50 other channels you don't want — but can't find room for one dedicated to the most popular sport in this country," Palansky says. "We're replacing the kid gloves with bare knuckles."
The way I see it, TWC now has 2 choices. They can continue their current stance of ignoring customer demand and crying the blues about subscription fees (while they count the record profits they are reaping from you and me)-- all the while not giving a damn how many THOUSANDS of subscribers leave for satellite. OR, they will grudgingly sign up with the NFL ... for about double the cost that they could have gotten 2 years ago.
So, all you shopping channel lovers, can get busy and dial your favorite TWC sychophant and tell them to hold firm and not bend under the pressure of the mean old NFL. Somehow, I think that the football lovers who will finally realize what TWC is doing, will also pick up the phone (better yet, email our pal Fred Dressler, TWC VP of Programming at -- and I bet they out number the sports haters.
I don't blame the NFL for doing this-- they know that most cable subscribers just sit back ignorantly, and take whatever is jammed down their throat--- sound familiar (i.e. federal government ... but that's another story for another day)?
It shall be interesting, at the very least!!!!
Edit...I have updated the broken link for the USAToday article.
Check out this article in today's USA Today:
I LOVE IT!!!!! Finally, TWC is being exposed. I can't wait until I see the first ad that the NFL Network runs that mentions Time Warner. I especially like the NFL Network rep's quote:
"We think it's asinine that Time Warner (the nation's No. 2 cable provider) carries 12 shopping channels and 50 other channels you don't want — but can't find room for one dedicated to the most popular sport in this country," Palansky says. "We're replacing the kid gloves with bare knuckles."
The way I see it, TWC now has 2 choices. They can continue their current stance of ignoring customer demand and crying the blues about subscription fees (while they count the record profits they are reaping from you and me)-- all the while not giving a damn how many THOUSANDS of subscribers leave for satellite. OR, they will grudgingly sign up with the NFL ... for about double the cost that they could have gotten 2 years ago.
So, all you shopping channel lovers, can get busy and dial your favorite TWC sychophant and tell them to hold firm and not bend under the pressure of the mean old NFL. Somehow, I think that the football lovers who will finally realize what TWC is doing, will also pick up the phone (better yet, email our pal Fred Dressler, TWC VP of Programming at -- and I bet they out number the sports haters.
I don't blame the NFL for doing this-- they know that most cable subscribers just sit back ignorantly, and take whatever is jammed down their throat--- sound familiar (i.e. federal government ... but that's another story for another day)?
It shall be interesting, at the very least!!!!

Edit...I have updated the broken link for the USAToday article.