What do stations base your DNS eligibilty on?
I have been working for weeks trying to get Waivers for NBC for myself and my parents. In doing so I have found some rather odd things. If you look at the horrible map I quickly pieced together you will see a few colored circles. Just to get it out of the way all addresses I used are considered part of the Philly TV market and get Philly locals from DirecTv. And all of us live in very similar conditions single houses in valley's with lots of trees.
Now looking at the map the green circle represents my house. The NBC station in Lancaster (blue dot) claims I can pick up a grade B signal and denied my waivers. Which I am working on getting resolved.
Now while working on my parents I noticed that they (yellow dot) are being claimed by no Philly stations at all. However a ABC,CBS,NBC and Fox stations out of Harrisburg (red dot) claim grade b signals for them. None of these stations claim myself (green) or my aunt (pink) as being able to receive their signal.
When I looked up my aunts (pink) address not a single station says she can pick up a signal at her house she is eligible for DNS on every station.
I also looked up my inlaws (black dot on a B & W map

) have only Philly stations claiming they can receive grade a signals.
The whole thing just seems completely random a station in Lancaster claims I can receive their signal but claims my aunt who is further south can not. Several Harrisburg station claim my parents can receive them but about 20 miles closer to Harrisburg they claim I can not receive any.
Just thought it was odd. and I know my map sucks