What's deal with the all important phone line, you guys? I had DirecTV reinstalled last week, and there's 3 recievers in my house. None of the rooms had phone lines in them, so the installer just said screw it. He said that I could order PPV through the computer, and that's basically all the phone line was for. I was listening to him say that, and I was like, "Yeah, uh-huh." I'm an old-school on-again off-again loyal DirecTV fanboy up in this house, people. Remember the days of Tanya Memme and that other guy (Not the douche from Animal Planet. The other guy) on the defunct Customer News channel? When nothing else was on, I would watch Customer News and Inside DirecTV (with that crazy woman who scared the sh*t out of poor Ananda Lewis), and I specifically remember Memme tellin' me that if I did not keep that phone line in the wall, my DirecTV world as I know it would come crashing down. And I'm also completely paranoid about getting updates - don't know if that's gonna happen without the line. And I've got Vonage, and I want Caller ID on the TV - and I know that's not gonna happen. Thoughts?